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TPC Loves Elizabeth Heard

For many years my hair was short and sassy and some where along the way I let it grow.  At the moment it is the longest it has ever been allowing me top knots, buns and many days of pulling part of it back in a barrette.  Since I have hair on the dry side I don't have to fuss with it every single morning so on day two and three you will find it up in some manner.

Enter my favorite hair accessories!

I absolutely love Elizabeth Heard hair accessories.  I own more of them than I can count ... each of them cuter than the last.  I can remember the first time I met Elizabeth Heard with her million dollar smile and darling products.  She gifted me one and I immediately fell in love.  Two years and many barrettes later I am completely sold.

Lucky for you and me she is having a fabulous sale.  For a limited time everything on the site is 40% off with the code LETSDOTHIS.  That means you can shop all you like and snatch up the cutest hair flair for a fraction of the price.

Umm ... #yesplease!

I would recommend the following to add to your collection.  If you don't own any as of yet you need to get shopping asap.  You definitely need an agate piece, the Let's Bamboo, an oyster shell and a Fur-Real hair tie.  Actually you will need a few of these.  I recommend two naturals and a pink.  Of course, pink!!  Oh, and don't forget an elephant.  He is amazing!!!

Get shopping lovies ... these amazing pieces won't last and I don't want you to miss out.  I have my eye on a cork barrette and a bow barrette.  Aren't they all darling?

Happy Shopping!!

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