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Happy Halloween!!!

Hope your night is fabulous!!!!


What is my baby girl made of ...

As I was working tonight I was catching up on my blog reading!  One of the design blogs I read had this post about grown up girls!

And I got to thinking ... what is Babycakes made of?  She is very sweet but by far the toughest child I have ever known.  She is absolutely beautiful and gracefully thanks others when they compliment her.  She is fearless and has yet to meet a stranger.  She is confident and thinks that she is fabulous (well, she is!).  She inspires me to be a better woman!!!

This is Lawyer's favorite photo from our recent trip to Florida for fall break ... (and yes, they are my sunglasses!)

I told you ... she is definitely something else!!!


eta ... I just found Babycakes drawing on one of my extra pads from my office.  She wasn't drawing pictures of flowers and people like she usually does.  No ... tonight she was practicing my signature she had seen on an invoice from earlier today.  And the scary thing is ... her copy is pretty close to mine and shes only 6!  Nice!!!  :(

Changes are a coming ....

As I mentioned in the last post this chick is making some changes!!!  One of which is an update to my blog!  It needs a face list ...

So, in the meantime I have left you with one of the photos I submitted to her for design of what my life looks like.  It was so much fun filling out her questionnaire and talking about my life.  Another thing I am doing more of ... oh there are so many changes going on over here!

For now you are left with a snap shot of my life as a header and I am sitting back enjoying my decorated house and a calmer day!!!



What happened?

I have been sooo busy lately!  I stay busy but this time of year is always super crazy with shows and orders and the like ... sheesh!  School starts and its all smooth and then mid September hits and the next thing I know its Christmas.  It is a complete blur! 

Babycakes wakes up Saturday morning all upset!  Our house doesn't look like Halloween ... it doesn't feel like fall and how will we ever celebrate when we are lacking decorations and the blow up yard stuff all the neighbors have???  After reassuring her that we would never have anything blow up in our yard I started thinking.  What has happened to me ... I used to be so on top of things.  Now I am the last minute ... pull it together mom who is constantly stressed out and doesn't enjoy the decorating.  Who am I???

When I first quit work in 1996 and had our first child I was supermom.  I loved being home ... I cooked every night, made home made bark for each holiday, made my own valentines and decorated the house to the nth degree.  Every night I washed the days laundry and had it put away before bed and just before heading off to bed I vacummed my way into our room.  Ok ... so I was a freak with the house but it was spotless, my kid was spoiled with my time and we were living in a cottage trimmed with love.  I was stress free and full of joy!

In August 2001 I had baby #2 and we made the transition smoothly.  Now ... don't get me wrong.  My husband worked day and night and most weekends and that sucked ... but for the most part life was easy and I was happy. 

Two boys ... smiling ... cute and tons of fun!

July 2001 my life changed.  I took my baby to the doctor for a regular visit and everything changed.  They spoke of genetic testing, developmental delays, therapy and our lives changing.  And over the past nine years they did ... in so many ways. Some good, some hard and some unbearable.  Statistics say that 85% of couples with a special ed child break up.  We have stayed together.  Its a daily decision and one I chose.  Its taken its toll ... but we are aware of it and working to make it easier on us.

I got caught up in laundry, doctor visits, grocery store, swimming, baseball, school, anxiety, family, play dates ... oh crap did I make the Bert and Ernie pumpkins ... shoot I forgot to make bark for Valentines day and I hope the teachers from last year don't rat me out ... vacations, more laundry, snacks and life.  Therapy ending at 5pm ended the home cooked meals and I started to feel like I was living out of my car.     

Baby #3 came along and I started a business.  And now it is 2010 and I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off stressing out about getting it all done.  The last thing on my mind is decorating for Halloween.

Sheesh ... WTH? 

Well ... I have taken a lesson from my children and possibly a professional and I have made some changes.   I am pairing down and taking control of my schedule any chance I can.  Life doesn't get any easier or simplier but I can chose to make it as simple as possible.  I still have to drive two carpools and take the kids to swimming three to five days a week but there's a lot I don't have to do.  And for those items I am getting out the sharpie and crossing things off.

Sunday after the Pumpkin Patch I decorated the house for Halloween.  I made bark for all the teachers and wrapped them in cello and tied them with ribbon.  I set the table with pumpkin plates, polka dot napkins and black wicker chargers.  And went to bed at 1 am with a smile.

And when Babycakes came down for breakfast this morning she looked at the kitchen and the table and then looked at me.  She smiled.  And she said sweetly ... "Good job Mom!"


design + development by kelly christine studio