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How to ruin my day ...

Pour out my brand new large sweet tea from McDonald's that has the perfect amount of crushed ice and sweet tea for no reason ...

And run ... because I am now plotting your DEATH!!



  1. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, catch and punish the culpret. If hes little and cute, go easy on him. I am addicted to McDonalds sweet tea. And only $1.00. Put some Firefly in it and enjoy!

  2. oh no, i totally understand! i love mc d's sweet tea, it's seriously da bomb! can't beat it for $1.00. when i drove to MI over the wknd, i stopped at starbuck for a pumpkin spice latte - tall, of course and it cost me $4.33 w/tax! r u kidding me, i remember when it was under $3.00 - highway robbery!

    i remember i went through w/drawl when i was in northern wisconsin - they didn't have sweet tea, oh that was the worst! luckily starbucks was across the street so it wasn't a total loss! ha! ha!

  3. Dare I say it?

    You snooze, you lose...

    hee hee

  4. I agree.... It is the one thing I look forward after a day of teaching 12 year olds. If I don't have one by 2:30, the rest of my day goes down hill. I hope you catch the SOB!



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