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When does it get easy?

So Little Mister had tubes put in this morning. He has had problems with fluid and it affects his hearing. A lot. We live with "what?" and "did you say something?" a lot. And it bites. I am just saying.

June Cleaver took Babycakes for the night (she is an angel!) and Little Lawyer got himself up, dressed and off to school. Even chased the naughty dog down the street when he escaped! Easy peasy procedure. Surgery ten minutes, wake up, juice, lots of love ... home and sleep for the day. Or so they say ...

He had an allergic reaction to the Versed they gave him to get rid of the freak outs he was having before the surgery. He decided he no longer wanted to stay to have his ears washed out. Me neither but no one was asking me. Once again ... just saying.

So they took him into surgery ... that was not fun, but he fell asleep quickly ... and then returned Satan. He freaked out so much they had to get the anesthesiologist out of another surgery to consult. If you happened to be at Childrens' this am in recovery I apologize for the scene in room 5. My mom (Hazel) does not do well with stress and lost her shit. Oh yeah ... lost it big time!

After an hour and a half, restraints, me in the bed with him and three consults with the anesthesiologist we were released. He is much better. But for the future ... Versed = Satan!

Just add that to our can not have list. Good news ... Clemsongirl says they sell binders for those kinds of lists.

Thank god for that ... (and her!)


  1. Poor thing! At least the surgery is over with. Get well soon little man!

  2. oh I had tubes put in my ears EIGHT times as a child. My hearing is really good now!

  3. Hope life is back to normal for you all soon.

  4. Poor guy. Hope he is on the mend. I had that done when I was 6. I remember I had to be calm for a week. Don't remember much else.

  5. Oh sweet girl, I am so sorry! You most certainly need the G & T tonight!

  6. What color binder are we thinketh Little Mister's will be madras...and really thick. With page dividers.

  7. John and Fin had them on the same day. No probs. John had the snip snip done earlier in the year (they don't do this in Russia) and the stuff they gave him made him looooo-cooooooo...

  8. Poor baby and poor mommy! When I've been given Versed when I had my spinal fusion, they had to put up the sides of the bed since I was rolling around laughing so much or so I was told. I remember none of it. Except that it made me talk my fool head off. Anyway, I am glad to know he is home with his mama.

  9. Poor little guy! I hope he's returned from Satanland and is starting to feel better!!

    Happy thoughts for you all!!!!

  10. little man had to have tubes - in his ears and in his tear ducts! Ugh - again! Both times, he was the biggest BEAR coming out of anethesia! I am sorry you had such a bad day. It is hard to be strong for your little one while simultaneously wanting to have your own little temper tantrum!

  11. Poor little guy! I vaguely remember when my little brother had tubes put in. There was a lot of crying (turned out he's sensitive to anesthesia), but a whole lot less of antibiotics and middle of the night ear infections after they went in.

  12. I'm glad it's over for you and hope the results are as great as they were for my 2nd son when he had his tubes!

  13. My Bo-Bo had tubes in, tonsils & adenoids out on the 4th. Check out my post re: surgery.

    After 2 weeks, I think the worst part will be putting the plugs in before bathtime. Good luck with everything!

  14. Sending well wishes for a speedy recovery for your mini!

  15. I will pray for a quick recovery!!! Hang in there!!!

  16. Visited from Clemson Girl - my oldest daughter had a really bad reaction to the meds to calm her down before dental surgery - I swear she literally climbed the walls - glad to hear that you got in bed with him - Mom's need so much mercy and grace!

  17. You and your family are in my prayers. I know he;ll bounce back soon! They always do at that age!

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