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Boot Camp ...

Yes!! This morning I was up at 5 am. Yes, I have shin splints! Yes, I wanted to puke more than once. Yes, the instructors rode me like sea biscuit. Yes, I wanted it to end quicker than it did! Yes, it was the hardest thing I have done since giving birth! And ... yes, I will go again.

How do I feel now? Very, very sore and completely rewarded!

Why did I do it?

Two reasons ...

First, I will be 40 in January. (yes, I said it!) I am tired of walking away from things that seem too hard or frighten me. I am a grown up and I will take chances.

But most importantly ... my nephew is in a Montana hospital in the ICU in critcal condition. I have no idea when he is coming home. He is young and strong and has worked harder in a week than I have in the last year.

... and he inspires me!


  1. Prayers for you, your nephew and family.

  2. Good for you!! Stick with it you will be so proud of your results. I hope your nephew is fighting his way to getting better.

  3. My friend Mindy does a bootcamp inatland has done great. Prayers for your nephew

  4. Good luck. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  5. Great inspiration and a great story to tell your nephew!

    Keep it up!

  6. Proud of you, MPM!!

    Prayers for your nephew and your family.

  7. Prayers for your newphew! And way to go! That is inspriing!

  8. Let's change that to 3 reasons...1 being that Preppy Paper Girl threatened your life if you didn't come!!! Still want you to come again....promise to keep the drill sargeant off your butt! haha!!!!



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