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Snuggling in ...

Two events have happened to me recently that have made me realize how precious time really is!  How quickly things can change.  What was the last thing I said to my family ... do they know how much I treasure them ... have I been a legacy to them?

When God whispers in your ear you have two choices ... listen and slow down or keep trudging forward at full speed.

I chose to slow down today ... stay in my pjs longer ... hug my kids tighter and text my husband and tell him I love him (even if he is just in the office downstairs). 

Lucky for me ... I have oodles of work to keep me home and my mind busy!

But as I fall asleep tonight ... I will once again praise God for a tiny tree that spared me a whole lot of pain!!!

Have a good one ... and make it a great day!!!


  1. What a wonderful reminder to all of us! And I must be following your lead because it's 10:00 am here and my daughter and I are both still in our jammies!

  2. Aww, this is inspirational. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I hope you have a wonderful day laying low! You cannot look past those instincts!!

  4. How beautiful. Thanks for the gentle reminder Pink Clutch.

  5. Hugs to you today Miss Pink Clutch. What a lucky family to have YOU. xoxo

  6. Sometimes I need reminders like this post to remember to slow down and appreciate my life. I think God is reminding me to do this through you today! Thanks!

  7. Thank you for this post-and what a blessing you are to your family and your friends.

    May we all take this to heart.



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