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Why oh why ...

... do my scheduled posts not post when they are supposed to???

Any one???

It was so sad to take some time off and come back to your blog and see you have no comments.  My first thought was that everyone else was also on vacay.  And then I realize ... no ... my posts never posted!!!  Sheesh!!! 

Oh well ... I am here and posting and another year older!!!

So much to share!!!



  1. I am having problems too - I lost a few posts I have written ahead of time grrrr so now I have to write them in word before putting them in blogspot :O(

  2. If you find out the answer, please let me know! I have the same problem. Some of my funniest stuff never got published - ugh!

  3. So glad to see you!! I figured you were super busy with your business and then Christmas and the children and family and I could go on and on. Glad your holidays were fabulous! xoxo

  4. Glad to see you are okay and are coming back. I miss your blogs!

  5. This happens to me too! My posts appear in google reader about 12 hours drives me crazy. I don't know how to fix it.



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