As I promised you ... here is the update from our summer vacation to Colorado ...
We spent a glorious, beautiful and completely life changing week in Walden, Colorado in July. All five of us flew to Denver and made the three hour drive to Lawyer's BFFs working cattle ranch. It was nothing short of fabulous. The weather is to die for ... the scenery is amazing and the ranch itself was so incredible. We stayed in one of the ranch houses on the property with the BFF, her family and some friends both new and old. I will never forget each and every minute of the trip.
I am a city girl at heart but there is a small part of me that loves the ranch. My aunt has owned a cattle ranch for years and I have always enjoyed my visits. The calves, the horses, the bonfires and the endless peace. Dinner always tastes so much better with a long day working on the ranch. It is nothing short of heaven to me. I must admit I have found I am split into thirds. A third of me belongs in the big city, one third on the beach and the last third on the ranch. I knew Lawyer would love it ... but I was a little unsure about the kids, especially the teenager. However ... I was thrilled to learn they all have ranch in their blood! My oldest has even requested to work on the ranch in two years for his summer vacation and I can think of nothing better.
We spent our days riding horses, rounding up calves, riding ATVs, seeing amazing scenery and amazing animals. We spent the evenings with bonfires, making smores, playing cards and Apples to Apples and laughing until I literally ached. I have never had so much fun. I also have never pushed myself so hard and outside the box. On one ride up the mountain we found ourselves in a thunderstorm. The ranch manager told us that if the lighting got too close we were to tie our horses to a tree and run for cover. Ummm ... notsomuch. I could not even think of leaving my horse. Thank goodness it never came to that. Anyway ... we got lost and ended up on the mountain for three hours as the storm passed over and it got very cold. I do not like heights or being lost and I haven't been that afraid in a very long time. But we worked together and it turned out to be an amazing evening. I have no desire to repeat it but I am stronger for it!
All in all we had five amazing days and five glorious nights. That is ... until Lawyer decided one night he would interrupt our game of Scrabble to grab some shots of the setting sun. Great idea ... not!
He spent about ten minutes outside and then realized he wanted to switch out his lens for the smaller one. He came back into the house to get the new lens and as he was rushing out to catch the setting sun he stepped out of the house and completely missed the steps. All. of. them!
Yep ... you guessed it. One set of bruised ribs, one cut up foot (oh yes he was barefoot), one skinned up knee and one broken hand in three places) requiring surgery.
And here we are nine weeks later. He has had surgery which required five pins. He has not one but five casts. He has used three slings. He has not been able to drive his Jeep or do much of anything for himself. He has been less than desirable! But it is his dominant hand and he does write for a living! All in all I would have been frustrated and a huge pain in the arse!
I did LOVE the morning he woke up and noticed the cast had been decorated in his sleep. Babycakes had grabbed her markers and sat next to him while he slept. She drew hearts and butterflies and, of course, signed her name. It was too freaking cute! And ... he was a good sport about it! I'm sure all of the contractors he works for got a good laugh out of his hearts and butterflies. Hee hee!
He is now cast free and just started hand therapy. He is gaining movement and flexibility in his last two fingers and his wrist and by Christmas hopefully all of this will be a faint memory.
We still had an amazing trip. I would not trade it. I would however insist he finish the game we started and put off the sunset maybe for another night. But then he wouldn't have been doing what he loves to do when he got hurt and I would have been denying him that happiness.
But ... can you blame me? I mean ... I was winning!
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