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Even more progress ...

Plants have been purchased and Lawyer has approved the layout ...

... just need to finish laying out all the annuals and then the planting begins!

I feel so bad ... I asked the landscaper to return some of the annuals he bought.  I do not care for purple and he bought some purple and melon to add some more color.  I really didn't like it, but I felt terrible asking him to return them.  He offered ... so I let him and I gave them cash for lunch.  They have been gone for a while so I am hoping they are enjoying an air conditioned lunch on me!!

It will be all done in the am ... I can't wait!



  1. Your yard looks fabulous! You must have a really great landscaper ;) And awwww you are too sweet to have given them money for lunch, you know C had no problem returning them! Can't wait to see the whole thing done!



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