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Bucket fillers!

Baby girl's teacher has a program of praise called the bucket filler.  The children are encouraged to fill out sheets for each other with sweet notes of encouragement.  They can fill them out whenever they feel led and then they give them to the recipient.  It is so incredibly sweet!  So far she has received two of them so far this year and with each one she comes running thru the door to tell me all about her bucket filler.  

I am thinking we should adopt this for our house.  How amazing would it be to find a little slip of paper from your sibling with a little note of kindness!

We are definitely going to try it!



  1. What a sweet idea. That note is precious!

    I hope every child in the class gets one every now and then. I always worry about the children who aren't the prettiest or sweetest :-(. Know what I mean??? They need love, too. :-) XOXO

  2. Such a sweet note!
    Our daughter's elementary school is using this program through the entire school. There are some cute books on the subject that might be a fun addition to your home library.



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