The other day I saw this post on Facebook and was immediately sucked in. I will tell you I can not recall where I saw it and have tried to locate it again in my feed to no avail. Anyone else frustrated with the new Facebook timeline? Why oh why must everything change?
The article quoted was from a website called Lists of Note. It is a website where lists of famous people are made public. The author says ... "Lists are created for all manner of reasons, and have been for many centuries. It's my aim to feature some of the most notable examples right here." And boy there are some great ones. The cover article is currently on Albert Einstein. As his marriage was failing he came up with a list of demands for them to stay together for the sake of the children. His demands are listed. It was 1914. I have read the list now three times and it still makes me giggle.
The article that sucked me in was about F. Scott Fitzgerald. In 1933 he made a list of items for his then 11 year old daughter, Scottie, of things to worry about and then things to not worry about. I love advice to children. I wish someone would have made this list for me to refer to every time I lost my head as a child.
His list to worry about is very short, as it should be. It reads as follows ...
Things to worry about ...
His list to not worry about is much longer. One of the most striking items on the list was to not worry about parents. I am assuming what her parents think. Very interesting!!!
This list reminds me of another favorite of mine put together by the ever amazing Alice from Summer is a Verb. She posted a list of things "We Wish We Knew When We Were 19" for her niece on her nineteenth birthday. Another brilliant list put together that I wish someone would have handed me. Brilliant words ... absolutely brilliant.
If you could make a list for your children ... what would it say?
Oh, thank you. But, I must share credit with the bff for it was a collaborative effort. And, trust me, when I was 19, that list would've been titled, Things To Do the Opposite Of :)