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I am dying to see the movie Wild.  

For so many reasons ... I absolutely love Reese Witherspoon. She is southern and darling and I want to be best friends with her.  This movie is about a journey and she has clearly lost her way.  I think we have all felt that way more than once and I definitely did after my Nana died two summers ago.  Some times I still feel lost and yet I get up every morning and walk a new path to healing.  It is slow and steady and I miss her beyond words. She was simply put .. the love of my life. 

I think it will be hard to watch and yet so good.  



  1. I am wanting to see it, too. I loved the book and my daddy said the movie was terrific!

  2. I'm dying to see it but I want to read the book first and it just hasn't happened. I just saw Unbroken a couple of weeks ago and I'm so glad I read the book first. And I love Reese, too - you are right she is cute and Southern and there's that monogram thing too :)

  3. Did not like the book, took way to long for her to FINALLY get on the trail in my opinion-the heart of the story. I do however adore Reese.



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