Wow ... what an amazing 10 days it has been! I left you for Charleston at the wee hours of the morning on Wednesday and really haven't been able to breathe since then. I spent yesterday doing absolutely nothing at all. Crash days are necessary for sanity peeps ... use them wisely!
The Southern C Summit was everything I could hope for ... and more! Amazing people, incredibly uplifting and incredible speakers that shared their truths for success. I could not take notes quickly enough for my liking. If you are interested in growing your business and making a name for your brand I highly suggest you attend. It is well worth your time and your money. From the moment I walked in to the moment we left I was wowed at every turn. Incredible event you don't want to miss!
Do you follow Biz Darling? I do know and just adore everything about her. This wrap up she wrote from the Summit is spot on.
Do you ever treat yourself to a coffee in the mug and sit outside at Starbucks? You should. Life is moving too fast and we all need some time to stop and smell the roses coffee. Do it and do it soon loves.
Design Darling has pulled together an amazing selection of shorts for the summer ... I have my eye on #10 of course. #lovemesomegingham!
I treated myself to a little Mother's Day happy ... I can't wait for it to arrive and pop a monogram on it. I am thinking ... grass green or maybe gold?
I bought this Moon and Lola necklace in Charleston and have worn it almost every day since. It is the perfect weight and a good piece to layer with others.
Are you familiar with Hayden Reis? Sadly I wasn't until last week ... but their sailcloth bags are to die for! This one in particular is on my radar!
Lash extensions are the best thing I have found since sliced bread. I highly recommend you invest in them. They are life. changing. I can not tell you how many people stopped me in Charleston and asked me about my lashes!
Cathead Vodka is my new favorite mixer! And the honeysuckle ... #yesplease! Here is an amazing recipe for Honeysuckle Lemonade you should try for sure this weekend!
I am absolutely obsessed with these Cat Studio glasses. I was treated to a set by the company at the closing event of The Southern C and they have quickly become my new favorite gift. What a fun travel happy, you can take home a map of each city you travel to on a glass you can use for entertaining later.
Oh, and in that glass is a homemade margarita. And it was beyond yummy!
Chin chin to an amazing weekend!
I am off to put my house back together and take in a weekend on the porch!
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