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Three Words

I had the amazing privilege of an interview by Emily McCarthy for her Signature Style series.  I adore every single thing Emily.  She is not only an amazing business woman, but also a dear and treasured friend.

One of the questions she asked me was ... Give us three words to describe you.

Hmm.  This one stumped me just a little.  

I have my mama mode, my wife mode and then there is me.  I had to really think on this one.  Sometimes being a wife and a mother means I set aside something that is just me to be those things.  For example, if one of my littles (I say littles even though they are all almost taller than me) is sick I will abandon shower, cute clothes and any plans I have to be there.  It is who I am.

I was pretty sure I had my three words together but I texted the Hubs and two friends for their thoughts.

HUBS:  Awesome, perfect, perfectly awesome.
(clearly a total suck up)
BESTIE: Loyal, colorful, kind
BESTIE: Friend, fun, stylish

and then I just couldn't stop asking ...

OLDEST: Hard worker, loving, intelligent
MIDDLE: Beautiful, wonderful, magical hugs
YOUNGEST: Kind, pretty, fun

last two I swear, I asked my two oldest friends ... 

DT: Hard working, generous. loyal
HOLLY: Loyal, creative, loving

So ... I had already compiled my three words but I did learn something very important about this exercise.  First, I know myself better than I thought I did.  It is easy to get sucked into being a wife and a mother and lose all sense of self.  Yes, I have done this.  As my babies have grown I have tried to make sure I am connected to me so that I have something to fall back on when they all leave the nest.  Not something I like to think about, but it is a reality

Second, I am perceived by those close to me the way I want to be.  I want to be loyal, kind and loving.  I want my legacy to be that I was always there, loved unconditionally and had a great time!

My answer to Emily was this ...

Fun, Loyal and Colorful.  These words describe who I strive to be every single day.  My goal is to go to bed each night with no regrets and to have a full and happy heart!  We aren’t guaranteed anything on this earth and we should live each day to the fullest.  Loving others is my most favorite thing to do!

I am beyond excited to be featured on her blog.  It was so much fun on my part to answer her questions and the pictures she chose are perfectly me!

Thank you Emily for such a darling post!  It made my week!  

Happy Tuesday loves!  

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