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Front Door Decor

So the temps are cooling off just a bit and I am contemplating what to do for our front door for the new season.  I am seeing so many inspiring photos on social media with amazing pumpkins and wreaths and the wheels are beginning to turn in my head.  I am a girl who loves her Summer (as you well know because I haven't stopped going on about it) but the moment the air gets its first chill I am dressed head to toe in plaid and layers.  I get it ... enter eye roll here. 😳

Last year I added a fabulous wreath and tons of pumpkins and then the week before Halloween went all out with a front stoop decor which the family completely loved.  I will probably do something similar this year but until then I am trying to decide what is the best option for our front door.  Since the stoop gets full morning sun I have to think through what makes the most sense. Currently we have large urns filled with Kimberly ferns which will last a little longer so I have to keep them in mix with my plans. I love how they last so long and give the look a southern touch.

I have some images for inspiration but I have not made any final decisions.  At the moment it is all up in the still warm air.  But I am hopeful the mornings will remain crisp and the evenings will start to cool off very soon.

Ps ... The image above has me dying for space to include a bench, don't you agree?

I see a fabulous porch in my future this weekend ... 

Happy Wednesday!

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