Pink all day everyday please!
You may remember a few years ago I walked thirty miles over two days to raise money for breast cancer two years in a row. I joined in to support a dear friend who won her journey and to raise money for cancer research. Not only do I have a few close friends who battled the disease but my mother in law and my step mother both battled and both eventually lost. It is hard to watch anyone struggle with being sick, but cancer is one disease that literally drains the life from those you love. I watched two strong women finally succumb and I don't think it will ever be something that leaves my mind. Those thirty miles were grueling and hard and I don't think I have ever hurt more when I was done, but I also was never prouder of myself. And any blister, pain or pair of crutches even came close to what others face. And how else can you wear a pink tutu and walk 30 miles to see some incredible sights in the city you live in? The experience was life changing.
As I was thinking of how I could contribute this year I came to the realization that my love for all things pink could translate into cash for research. In my opinion there is truly no better way to help the cause then to donate to research to finally find a cure. Plus wearing pink just makes me happy and shopping for a cause is always a good thing. For those of you that are a little worried about adding it in this time of year let me share a few ways I love to wear it.
As a top ..
a bottom ...
as shoes ...
or accessories ...
Since I do love to shop and I also love styling outfits I decided to commit to two things ... wearing more pink this month and to donate all funds from this shopping post to cancer research. Any money made from this post this month will be matched by me and donated to Atlanta 2-Day Walk for Breast Cancer. This year the walk takes place in November and although I won't be walking I can do my part and donate. So let's shop for a cause, shall we?
Since I have so many events and so much travel this month it was easy to pull outfits and to add pink into each one of them, some even more than one item. More pink for me please! I have linked every piece I found in the links above. I was so excited to shop for a cause and I hope you will be too.
Oh, and ps ... I have decided the front door decor with be a pink theme as well, so bring on the pink pumpkins and our skeleton dressed in her pink finest for breast cancer awareness. I am so excited to get working on this project late next week.
Get your boobies checked girls. Last year I went to a full service Breast Care specialist who does it all in one office and you leave knowing exactly what is going on. Yes, it took me four hours to be scanned and then have a CT and even a biopsy to find out I was perfectly clean. Best four hours ever! xo
Happy Monday to all of you!!
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