As we all know I love antiques, the older the better honestly. I have so many things I love and have collected over the years and a stroll through an antique store or an antique show always makes me so very happy. Since my early years antiquing with my grandparents I have had a love for the hunt, the score and the fun when you come home and get to put your new pieces away in their new homes.
Oh, I collect so many things. Staffordshire pups, old paintings, silver, blue and white, china, tole boxes, old books ... did I mention pups. Truly the antique bug has bit me and I don't see it going away any time soon. I was thrilled to attend the Thomasville Antique Show last weekend to shop all the amazing vendors and to experience a new city and new adventure. It did not disappoint and my treasures are all home in their new spots. I walked away with two beautiful scarves, one Burberry and one Gucci and on the way home found a beautiful brass tray, a small blue and white ginger jar and a piece of my monogram Bavarian china with the exact monogram. Every single piece I purchased with be well loved and will remind me of an exceptional weekend and incredible adventure.
I wish each of you could have attended the show. The vendors were amazing and I walked away from soooo many things that were really fantastic. The eye candy was out of control as you can see below. I also really enjoyed seeing a few vendors that I shop at Scott Antique Market and Kenny Ball whom I met in Nashville last year. If you don't follow Kenny Ball Antiques do so now. Such a lovely man with beautiful things!
I hope you enjoy the sneaks we got ... such beautiful things in every single booth.
Isn't it one of the best? I loved the mix of English antiques and art and so many pups and plates. I truly could have loaded up the car with many things from every single booth. If you have never attended I suggest you think about it for next year. The town and the show are worth the drive, I can promise you!
Have the best Wednesday!
Photos by Kristen Hechler
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