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A Month Of Giving

photo by Angie Webb Creative

When we were still in the hospital I recall longing for the time when we would be home and things would be "normal" again.  He would be getting better every day and I would be sitting at my laptop daily writing away about things that inspired me.  It would feel so good to be home and healing and getting back to our "normal".

As usual I was so wrong about what all what happen and how it would feel.  We came home and I said I would give myself a week or two to get back to me and to give him time to get stronger.  And then two weeks passed and I was so not ready.  Normal was so different and we were just getting used to being home and all things were new and fresh and felt so incredibly different then they once did.  I just wasn't ready to write.

And then week three came and I felt more like me, but a completely new and fresh me.  He was getting stronger and needed me only 1/2 the time instead of every single minute.  It was getting better and better to be home ... but the idea of writing didn't feel completely right.  I have always pushed through whatever we have going on using writing as an outlet for creativity but for whatever reason this time it was just so different. I wasn't the same person who checked her husband into the hospital early on August 6th and it was time to face that realization head on.  Nothing was the same ... not that it was a bad thing at all ... but all had changed.  He changed, I changed, and my job needed to change as well.

But how?

And then it occurred to me that giving would feel really good.  I love to give gifts ... its the best way I know how to love on others.  It was something that I wasn't able to do for so long.  I feel like I have learned so much about receiving love and gifts (not the material kind) which I think I was lacking for a very long time.  For the first time in my life I was on the receiving end of so much love and outpouring of others gifts and it was new to me.  It took me some time to get comfortable with it, but it was definitely a daily blessing from Jesus and I needed to let it happen.  It felt amazing when I pulled down the walls and I completely let it happen.  It was the biggest treasure of our time away from home, all the love and blessings poured on us carried us, and most definitely me.  I realized as I was itching to get back to a more "normal" schedule that I could use this lesson to break back into my blog.  I would use the month of November to give to others in a way that felt so good to me when I needed it most.

So ... November 1 started the Month of Giving and this post begins my normal schedule of writing once again.  I have been sharing love and blessings on Instagram and will continue to do so the entire month.  It may be a coupon code, something to celebrate with your best friends, a book (thank you Mary Kay Andrews), a cup of coffee for another (check tomorrow), or me doing something to bless someone around me ... it is truly 30 days of giving and it feels incredible.

Stay tuned each day as I will either have something to bless one or more of you ... or I will have something to share that you can do for others.  On Saturday I shipped all of our leftover Halloween candy to the soldiers with Operation Gratitude and if you have some lying around I encourage you to do the same.  It was so fun to write thank you notes and to ship that box off to people who spend their days sacrificing for each of us.  It was so easy and something I will do again and again.

What will December look like on the blog?  I am not completely sure but I know it will be more of a simple holiday for us and I hope to share that with all of you.  I have some gift guides coming for truly meaningful gifts and some great ideas to help you truly enjoy the holiday season.  So stay tuned ...

And thank you for your grace and love for me and allowing me the time to figure out how to move forward with my business.  I am excited to be live writing and to be back on the blog!  Oh, and can we discuss how much stronger he looks after a month of recovery?  I am loving this time with him and I together and I know it will be gone soon when he is back at work.  ❤

I hope your Monday is a great one!!  🍵🎉


  1. So glad everything is going better. Happy for your family.

  2. Such a wonderful & refreshing post! So happy for you both & a reincarnation sounds perfect for your new normal. Blessing to you & your family.

  3. Glad you’re both home. By the way, you’re wonderful. When many people would be doing the ‘poor me’ thing, you’re busy figuring out ways to make others happy by giving & donating. The world would be in a much better place if there were more people like you. Sending continued well-wishes your husbands way. ❤️

  4. Paige, you and your blog are such a blessing! Your husband does look so much stronger and healthier! May God continue to bless you and your family.



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