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Mario Buatta's Legacy

With the beginning of the Sotheby's auction of legendary decorator Mario Buatta tomorrow I am reminded of his legacy of incredible work.  Mario's timeless interiors and love of antiques and linens is only one of the reasons I love his work.  The layers of his interiors, the collections, the beautiful pieces he chooses ... I could go on and on.  In a time where collecting is not as popular as it once was I am completely enamored by his collections and maximalist mind set.  I loved perusing the auction images and getting a glimpse of the things he loved.  The more images I see the more I realize I am drawn to things that people much older than me would collect ... needlepoint, cabbage ware, Staffordshire pups, antique silver, oil paintings, chintz, and so many beautiful pieces of furniture. 

image via AD
And I could not love it more.  

With the auction beginning today I thought I would round up some of my favorite images of Mario's work and with each one you can see why he was known as the Prince of Chintz.  Each one of these images is just soo good. They speak to my old lady lavender sachet loving heart. 💗

image via AD

PS ... isn't he just so handsome?

image via AD

image via AD

image via AD

image via AD

image via AD

I find myself looking at these images and just wanting more and more of his work and also to polish all of our silver and layer it with antique linens and needlepoint.  Oh, the #grandmillenial side of me is truly just so giddy!

If you want more of his work I would suggest this fabulous book, it is truly so good.  And for more information on this incredible iconic designer there is a wonderful interview in this blog post you will most definitely enjoy. 

If you are shopping the auction I hope you find something magical ... and please do share, I would love to see your score.

Happy Wednesday ... 

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