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Bathroom + Closet Organization

Organizing and straightening is one of the most therapeutic things for my mind.  I find such joy and peace when things are organized and every single thing has a space.  I don't know if I have always been organized but I can tell you that having my own home definitely created a need for me in keeping things tidy and having spaces for things.  My mother is incredibly organized and puts me to shame so I am sure I inherited it from her.  I so wish I could share her pantry with you, its alphabetized by category and makes me swoon when I see it.  Her love of things in order, her love of her label maker, and her love of plastic containers ... yep, I have it all.

I shared a few weeks ago that I labeled all the boxes and shelves in our linen closet and I got a few messages.  Most of them talked about your love for the label maker and a few asked if I would share my tips for organizing.  I have a simple system so it is easy to share and I am happy to detail it out for you here.  I think talking about organizing a space is almost as good as organizing it. As I was planning for this blog post I organized my skin care and makeup, so I can share tips for those as well.  I also tidied up my closet so I have some tips for you with that as well.  Basically we will be talking about bathrooms, closets, and skincare and what works for me.  I am linking all the products I use + talking about how I keep my space together and create a space for everything.  In my opinion if something doesn't have a specific spot I probably don't have space for it and most likely don't need it.  It is a great way to purge and keep from overbuying which I am most definitely guilty of doing at times.

Let's start with the closet since it is the easiest to explain.  I do not have any built ins and just have shelving all along the top and rods beneath so this system works perfectly for me. At the front of the closet ... as in the space you see when you first walk in right in front ... I have a shelf area that I use for extra bags, shoes, and scarves. This is not a built out closet at all. I have my shoes organized in these hanging organizers, my bags organized on the shelves using these dividers, my jeans folded, and a few baskets to hold totes + larger purses.  All of my shirts are hung on velvet hangers and my pants and skirts hung on skirt hangers.  My sweaters are hung on wood hangers and my dresses are hung on the same.  All of my clothes are color organized by color ... white, red, pink, orange, pink, yellow, green, blue, lavender, plaid and black.  The short sleeves are first and then long sleeved.  I spent a some years in retail and I can organize shirts and fold pants and sweaters like a pro.  If you need some tips, I recommend this folding guide for sweaters, folding guide for jeans, and a guide for shirts. Folding your clothes well means they take up a whole lot less space which is great when your closet is smaller than your collection of items.  😉  Under my hanging clothes I store my luggage which lays flat.  I also store my boots, tennis shoes, and Uggs under hanging clothes as well with just the toes sticking out so I can see them. Lastly, my scarves are folded and easy to see and all my necklaces are hanging on the back of the closet door on this hanger.  It isn't fancy, but its very organized and it works!

The linen closet is also easy to describe.  I have the same system in the linen closet for the small pantry (we have two of them) and it really is so very easy to set up.  I use plastic shoe boxes + my label maker to hold all of them small items by category. I divide things up by like items; pain meds, first aid, mani pedi, hotel samples, soap, etc.  I stack them and slide them onto the shelves and it works like a dream.  As you can see I divided most of the items into boxes and then used some baskets to hold the things that we need to be able to see more often and quicker.  With the labels on the boxes and on the shelves it is very easy to find anything in the closet.  You can open it up, look around and find what you need.  The system is the same for the pantry and it is always easy for me to quickly see what we are out of and what they aren't eating.  The smaller pantry is for snacks, cereal boxes, popcorn, coffee, tea, and nuts. This system is so easy to set up with a collection of plastic shoe boxes (under $1.50 each), a few baskets and your label maker.  On the shelves under the baskets and boxes I fold our towels, sheets, and blankets.  It is a linen closet so it contains all our linens as well.  I learned to fold items from my mother, and I found a few tutorials in case your towels don't fold the way you want them to. I do love a stack of folded items, what can I say? The towel video can be found here, and here is the sheet video. Ps ... I could watch Martha Stewart talk about sheets all day long.  #nerd

My bathroom ... skincare + makeup. 

Tuesday I organized all my skin care and makeup and it was such a great way to see what I have, what I need, and what is old and shouldn't be kept.  I also washed all of my brushes which is always a good idea.  I haven't used any of them since March so they definitely needed to be washed.  I remember to clean them when I use them more, and they definitely were dirty.  When I organized it all I started with a clean slate and took everything off the counter and out of my drawer and wiped it all down and started again. I use a tray on my counter for the items I use every single day and I traded out a bunch of them I am not using as much and added in a great organizer for the rest. 

I have told you many times that in the last two years I have become a product girl where before that was not the case at all.  Now that I have more things I have had to be more organized.  I have dedicated one drawer and a space on my bathroom counter to keep it together so with that space I need to be very conscious of how to organize it with the space I have.  I have found that the bottles and items I use most I leave on the counter (neatly) and the rest can go into the drawer.  For the drawer I used these dividers and really love them.  They hold a lot and I measured my space so I knew what I could use when I bought them.  They are really affordable and I like being able to wipe them down if I need to. For the counter I use a tray, a few candle holders, and this organizer.  It's great because I can add to it if need be and it is thick and will stand the test of time.  If it didn't fit into either of these spaces I really need to figure out why I have so much, I only can use so many things ... right?

When you are organizing any space at all ... a few tips.

1. Take everything out and clean it first.
2. Purge anything out of date and that you truly don't use. You can donate items to a shelter if they are still in date.
3. Make piles of like items, and then decide how many boxes you will need.
4.  Organizing helps you find what you need, buy less of what you use, and make things so much tidier.
5.  When your space is clean and blank you will find it is so much easier to organize, you will want to not throw it all back in.
6.  If you want it to be really pretty when you open it, use a color scheme.
7.  The goal is to make it more efficient for you, maximize your space, and keep it tidy.

I will share more in Instastories today and save it in my highlights for you to see when you need it.  It is really easy once you get into a groove, and you will be pulling things out like crazy before you know it.  If you have any questions or issues, pop me an email!

Happy organizing!


  1. Great tips, Paige! I'm inspired. Another worthwhile stay-at-home project :)

  2. Big heart eyes for these photos! What gorgeous spaces. I love organization!

  3. Thanks so much Paige. I am in the process of cleaning out, and organizing, every single drawer and closet in our house. These are wonderful tips. I love your blog.



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