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Happy, Happy Monday ...

With strong coffee in hand ...let's tackle this Monday!

With our daughter off to school, we are settling into a routine.  Her absence has a definite void, but we are trying to adjust and get some new routines. I am tackling some projects, finishing some old ones, and trying to prepare for fall, which is just a few weeks away. I think with her senior year and then prepping all summer, I just left a lot of loose ends while we were jumping from one thing to another.  There is so much going on, and looking back, I just had quite a few "I will get back to that soon" and just never did.  I mentioned a "closing schedule" that I was trying to implement and when I started, I realized I had quite a few piles that really needed some attention. 

Long story short, I spent a lot of last week cleaning up piles of stuff I had made, and this week I am starting with so much more of a clean slate.  It feels great. I do not know about each of you, but clutter takes so much of my mental space, and cleaning it out makes everything so much better. 

A little tip. When you make the list of things you need to clean or tidy, tackle the largest one first and the rest will be so much easier. 💗

What's on the list for this week?  Oh, some fun things

I added bamboo blinds to the living room, which I love, and now I am working on a rug pad for our rug so we can unroll it.  Also, I used these furniture risers (4-inch size) to make our vintage sofa taller, and now I need to add bouillon fringe to finish the look. The blinds make the room feel so cozy and I am really loving where it is going.  I also found a round decorator's table at an estate sale that I put between our leather chairs and adding that and some fabric is giving me Laura Ashley feels.  I could not love it more. 

Tomorrow I am sharing my new "closing routine" for the house, after a week I think I have perfected what I feel is the best routine for us.  I can tell you, this is a game changer for starting your day.  Why oh why didn't I learn this concept earlier?

I hope your Monday is a great one! 😘

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