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UA Family Weekend

We had so much fun in Tuscaloosa for Family Weekend.  It was a packed few days, but getting more time with our girl in her new favorite place was worth it. We celebrated her birthday, hung out with her roommates, watched the game, tailgated, walked the campus, hung out with my parents, and had a lovely time together.  We are so blessed that my parents offer us a great, free place to hang out and give her a home base when she needs one.  She is doing so well, thriving, and it takes the sting out of her being so far from us. 


My outfit plans worked out perfectly.  I found this darling scarf at an estate sale on Friday and added it to my tailgate outfit. I mean, how perfect ... a silk scarf from a Bama fan gets a whole new life with me. I just love it. 

All in all, five stars.  And a win for Bama, so even better! 🐘

(all the outfits linked in this post!)

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