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Spode Saint Nick

Last week I was in an antique shop, which we know I love to do, and found a set of four plates that I immediately loved.  They were reddish in color, listed as pink, but I feel like they lean red.  Made by Spode, this was a collection and plate I had never seen and wanted to know more about. The seller had priced the plates appropriately so I passed them over as I was sourcing and definitely not shopping for myself. 

Well, today I went back to the shop to purchase the plates for myself.  I had done some research on them and found the style and history unique and knew I wanted them for our home.  Luckily the plates had not been purchased and I left with a set of four in my hands.  I am speaking of the Saint Nick collection plates made by Spode for Williams Sonoma between the years of 2004 and 2007. These plates are beautiful with so much detail and have a perfect antique feel to them with each of the four scenes.  They are 8 1/2 inches in width making them perfect for salads, appetizers, and even desserts.  I am thrilled with them and think they will be perfect to pair with our Spode Christmas Tree plates I have collected and we use each year. 

The first plate, St. Nick was released in 2004 and the rest came later.  The Sleigh is the 2005 plate, Rocking Horse is 2006, and Window Shopping is the last plate, released in 2007.  I think they are so unique and so full of detail right down to the outside edges. I plan to hang these on the wall in the kitchen this year, but also use them closer to Christmas Day.  Since we are a family of 5, I will need to gather two sets to accommodate us all. Currently I have four and have searched to purchase more to complete my set. 

I am thrilled with my find and have since learned that Spode has a number of yearly plates, including one Christmas Tree plate per year, a bunny plate for Easter, and these St. Nick plates.  I also found a set of Disney Christmas Tree plates for the Disney lover, and a Victorian series all in blue and white running from 1995 to 2000. I am sure there are more, another adventure for another day. 

Happy Wednesday ... 

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