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Last Minute Gift Ideas

Did anyone else look at today's date and sort of freak out?  No matter how organized or scheduled we are, there are always last-minute items that we forget or realize we need to add to, so last-minute gift-giving becomes an issue.  Also, shipping is basically a bad idea at this point so we have to get creative.  I have five gift ideas for you that can be accomplished without shipping and give you the accomplished feeling we are all looking for with those holiday to-do lists. 

1.  An experience.  My dad is definitely someone who loves to receive an experience, something he can look forward to after the holidays. What does your recipient like to do?  Is there something on their wish list or bucket list you can help them scratch off?  A few years ago, I gave my dad tickets to a hockey game, and we all went and had so much fun.  It was an item on his bucket list and he was so excited to go.  I would google events in your area, their area, or a destination they love.  It is the best gift and will be delivered on time.  I printed out our tickets and put them in a box, which he loved. 

2.  A silent night.  This is what I am gifting to our bestie friends.  I have a group of women who all have girls our daughter's age, and we meet up quite often.  They are getting a "silent night", in other words, time to enjoy the season.  In the bag, I placed a small bottle of champs + my favorite Trader Joe's cheese + a tiny bag of chocolate + some holiday pepper jelly + a sleeve of crackers.  My note will share that they need to take some time for themselves this season to sit and watch a movie.  We all need this, and if I need to gift it to them to get them to take it, I am here to make it happen. 

3. Quality time.  This is a big one for me, it is my favorite gift to receive.  I love spending time with those I love and adore and it absolutely brings me joy when someone asks for my time or gives me theirs. You can meet at a festive spot for a drink, coffee, brunch, or even dinner.  You can schedule a time to meet them at a fabulous hotel all decked out and have a drink.  You can invite them over for some one-on-one time, maybe even to wrap gifts or needlepoint, something you both enjoy doing.  The most important part of this gift is the two of you spending some time together, catching up, and enjoying the sights and joy of the season. 

4. A framed photo.  If you have someone in your family who is older, grandparents, or parents who live a state or town over ... they love an updated photo of their family. Bonus points if you have one they are in and can print it out and gift it to them.  Head to your Home Goods for a great frame and add it to a box with some tissue.  They will love it each and every day. 

5.  A homemade treat.  Who doesn't love something homemade?  I have a neighbor who gifts us peppermint candy each year and my kids stalk the mailbox waiting for it.  You can make a pot simmer and bring amazing smells to their house.  How about a great old-fashioned Chex Mix that we all love to nibble on.  You can make sausage balls and add a note to enjoy with stockings on Christmas morning. For me, receiving a homemade gift really shows their time, energy, and love.  There are a number of great drinks that can be made in bulk, without the spirits, that you can make into a jug and deliver.  I would absolutely love to see that on my doorstep tied with a bow.  Get creative ... they will love you for it. 

The most important part of the gift is showing another person you thought of them, you love them, and you wish them peace and joy this season and all year. 

Five sleeps until Christmas ... 

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