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And there you go ...

At dinner this evening Little Mister tells me about his week. We always have these random conversations about his life at school. They are always hysterical!!!

Tonights was just as cute ...

LM: Do you know what Passover is Mom?
Me: Yes, do you?
LM: Yes. It is a holiday when Jewish people can not eat bread for a whole week.
Me: Really? Would you like that?
LM: No. I really like buttered toast.
Me: Are you Jewish?
LM: No.
Me: Are you Christian?
LM: No.
Me: Sweetie ... what are you?
LM: American!

And there you have it!


  1. At least he defined himself and didn't ask a million questions about what is a Jewish person and what is a Baptist and what is a Christian and can Jewish people and Baptist people be Christian. What about Episcopals?

    This was me and LK's conversation following a visit from his BFF's dad during Hanukkah. BFF is Jewish.

  2. Oh, what a wonderful story! "I'm American" is just sweet. Thanks for sharing it! :-) TP



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