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A very long two weeks ...

Boy it has been a very long two weeks. Look at all we have done ...

Overnight Sleep study - check
Renal scan - check
Developmental Optometrist - check
Mom and Dad came to help and Hazel kicked ass - check, check!!
Burn left palm and sleep the better part of three days - check, double check, triple check
3 hour IEP meeting where they cracked and Lawyer kicked arse - hell to the yes!!!!
Sell at Junior League Mistletoe Market - check (made tons of money!!!)
Fall up the stairs at the Market and bust 2" blister bubble and make an arse out of myself -
hell to the oh NO I didn't !!!
Take two sickies to the doctor last night (one with strep and one infected toe) - check
Pick up free antibiotics at Publix - check
Hand finally healing - working on that check
Put the house back together - also working on that check ... finished with three rooms only 100 left ... please tell me again why we live in this big house?

Oh my ... no wonder I am tired ... I promise to be back to my spunky self in a day or two ... as soon as Babycakes' fever breaks and she stops crying all day and snoring all night ...



  1. Oh HONEY...I wish I knew where you live for I'd run right over and try to help. As a former teacher, my all purpose advice is...go splash some cold water on your face or get a drink of water then jump right back in. WATER cures all sorts of problems. LOL (amazingly it does for children at school...just doesn't have the same effect on us adults.)

  2. Glad you've made it through! Can Lawyer come to our IEP meeting? It'd be MUCH appreciated :)

  3. :( Ugh... it will get better. I wanted to email you for awhile now to thank you for organizing the Wicked Swap. It was great fun, and I love my loot!

  4. Way to go on the IEP meeting! I know how difficut those can be.

  5. And people have the audacity to say that SAHM's don't work... You are amazing!

  6. Your daily activity sounds similar to mine. Chaotic? From reading your latest post, I gather that you need and DESERVE a looong spa day. I can relate to the craziness. Hope the rest of your week is calm and I really enjoy reading your blog.

  7. My goodness, get some rest and get everyone well! Then go out for a girls night and have a great time!

  8. I hope it gets better for you soon:)

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