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As a doctor I would be fired ....

So I make a great mommy, but a doctor notsomuch! Lawyer rescued me so I could have the morning off to get my hair cut and took Babycakes to the doctor. I diagnosed her with an ear infection ...

Well, she does have some fluid behind her ear that is inflammed, but she has ... pneumonia.

Did not see that one coming ... no siree! She is on the marathon sleep ... so far she has been sleeping since 3 and it is now 9:30. Keep sleeping sweet girl and heal!



  1. Oh my goodness! I hope she feels better soon. :)

  2. awwww pooor baby... I hope se feels better tomorrow... Yes, sleep lil baby sleep!! LA

  3. Poor thing! I hope she's gonna be okay!

  4. Poor babe...I hope she's feeling better quickly. Get to sleep while she's resting!!!

  5. The same thing happened with my daughter...I think she could have whined more.

    Sorry to hear about your little one.You just can't get a break from the yuck.A least the throwing up has past.

  6. I hope she's better soon!
    Miss Janice

  7. OH my...I just hope she doesn't wake up at 2 am and be ready to party like a rock star!!!

  8. Oh my....not so good. Hope she is on the mend.



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