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I am the luckiest girl in the world!!

Yes ... that would be me! Extremely blessed and so very lucky!!!

Last night after a long day of birthday celebration Lawyer and I carried two half asleep children up to their beds. We were all exhausted and I collapsed in bed at 9 pm.

Only to be awoken at 3:30 am by surburbia's finest with my GPS in his hand. The police officer and a half asleep lawyer in a t shirt and plaid boxers have the following conversation:

Surburbia's Finest: Is this your GPS unit?
Lawyer: It looks like it, but I am not sure.
SF: It appears both of your cars have been entered and cleaned out and we have caught the individuals and should be able to return your items to you.
Lawyer: How in the world did you know this belonged to me?
SF: I turned it on and pressed HOME ... it led me here.

That is correct. We left the garage open in our exhaustion and both cars were cleaned out. My purse and its contents, his litigation bags and our GPS unit. It was all returned to us by the sweet officer who dropped in for a visit at 3:30 am. Who never once judged us for leaving our garage door open or our cars unlocked. He was kind, sweet and ever so helpful.

We are completely whole (minus one Nintendo DS, a Diet Coke in a monogrammed koozie and six bags of Cheez Its left from our snacks snuck into the movie theatre). And so very lucky!

And don't think I am not thanking God every minute of this day for our safety and our belongings. Losing those items would have made our planned trip to Disney World so difficult tomorrow morning!

And yes, I doubled checked the cars were locked and the garage door is firmly down!

Sleep tight!


  1. everyone in my family leaves their cars unlocked and on the street! thanks for posting this because I am about to go outside and get a fender guitar that belongs to my cousin out of the car and into the house!!!

  2. Wow- lucky girl is right!! So happy it had a happy ending! Have fun at the mouse house.

  3. OH my gosh! You ARE the luckiest ever. What a wonderful policeman to have the initiative to find you right then instead of taking it all to the police station, etc., etc., etc.

  4. Now only imagine this...
    Your car is stolen when you aren't at home...they have your keys and your car...they turn on your GPS and it tells them exactly where to go to get "home"...and they have the keys to your house. You should rename "home" to something else...even though it seems far-fetched- you never know!!

  5. That is great he brought them back. It is incredible that they caught the guy!

    Have a fun trip!

  6. You are one lucky gal! What an amazing story!

  7. So might want to play the lottery this week

  8. Wow, that is really lucky! I had my GPS stolen a year ago, right from my parking lot at work. Luckily that was all that they took, but I never saw it again.

  9. Thank Goodness you all are safe. Happy Birthday, Have a Safe trip and lock your doors in Disney, looks like great weather!!

  10. Wow- what a story!! I'm so glad everything was returned to you, especially your purse. Replacing your license, credit cards, insurance cards, etc is such a hassle!!!

    Have a great time on your trip!

  11. You are very lucky! Have fun at Disney!

  12. How scary! So glad you got your things back & the situation wasn't worse than it was.

  13. Not the monogrammed koozie! Im sure you know a good place to get a replacement :) So glad this story has a happy ending and no one was harmed!

  14. Wow, that is crazy! You are so very fortunate - have a fab time at disney :)
    P.S. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the monogrammed wine glasses I bought from your sale a few weeks ago, they look gorgeous in my dining room buffet!

  15. Wow! You are a lucky duck. Crazy to think that the GPS lead them right to ya. Do y'all know how they caught 'em?

  16. Oh wow!!! I am so glad that everything is okay!

  17. OMgoodness- glad everything and YOU are alright. And who the hell would steal a Diet Coke?

  18. Hey! I received your comment on the monograms and martinis! Check out the Mommies and Mimosas post I did, we could do your color scheme!

  19. Wow! That's quite a story. So glad it worked out and you are still able to get to Disney on time. Have fun!

  20. Wow...Lucky girl, lucky family!!! Have fun at Disney!



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