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The moving sickness ...

To update you on my week ... the kids have all gone back to school ... and I have taken to my bed!  And ... oh my ... I feel notsogood! 

I took the boys to the doctor on Tuesday and heard the worst five letters any mother can hear with sick children ... VIRUS.  I despise that word.  Basically the doctor takes your copay and tells you that for x number of days your kids will be home resting and drinking tons of fluids.  It stinks for all involved.  I am all for the kids taking meds and feeling right as rain in 24 to 36 hours.  Don't we all love healthy and happy kids?

So the boys were home Tuesday and Wednesday and returned to school yesterday.  I lysoled and washed clothes and linens and tried to stay healthy.  We all rested, ate well and drank lots of water.  All was going well ... until 8 am on Thursday when Babycakes' teacher called and asked that she be picked up from school. Um ...are you kidding me?  Slight misunderstanding between the difference of spitting out water and throwing up and she is back at school today.

I, on the other hand, did not make it thru.  And I am not a happy camper.  I do not like being sick ... laying in my bed or watching my house go to pot.  But I am doing my best to keep my bad attitude to myself and drink lots and rest.  I will need the rest to crack the house back together hopefully tomorrow.  Until then I have caught up on Mad Men (season 2), Rachel Zoe, Flipping Out and the season finale of White Collar.  And that is some fabulous TV!!



  1. I hope you feel better soon! I hate being sick too! When just folding some laundry wears you out? it's the worst!

  2. Love Mad Men and White Collar! Also, have you gotten into Covert Affairs? It's really good, too!! xoxo

  3. Why as Mom's do we feel guilty for being sick? I too hate being sick but have learned that when I do not feel good it is better to take it easy rather than pay the price later down the road. Here's hoping that you feel better today than yesterday.



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