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Table inspiration

We are currently redecorating our 1/2 bath on the main floor.  When we moved in the bathroom had dark grey metallic paper on the walls.  Even though the wallpaper made the room really dark I liked it enough to leave it alone.  It wasn't my choice but we kept it in the spirit of "making do".  I accented it with tole trays and brown transfer ware.  It worked.

Fast forward eight years ... I despise it!!!

Since one of my dear friends removes wallpaper for a living she popped over and started the removal process on Monday.  With the exception of the wall area above the sink she has removed the paper.  Now the fun part begins.

I had originally wanted to repaper but when the paper came off so easily she recommended I paint instead.  I do not like to change plans mid project and I have spent a lot of time since yesterday wondering how to make it all work.  I popped into Pottery Barn late this afternoon after having to run out for a bookstore run for the oldest.  I was hoping to see something that caught my eye and the inspiration would come. 

I got lucky!  As I walked in the door I spotted fern pillows in amazing greens and instantly fell in love.  They were so fresh and screamed spring.  As I walked around the store I found a table runner in the same pattern for $29.   As I picked up the runner I realized it would make the most amazing kick pleat valance.  I was instantly inspired!

I came home with my treasure and spent an hour pulling together the bathroom which I am now madly excited about.

Wall color ...

Light fixture ... recycled from a replacement in Babycakes' bathroom
Standard issue silver fixture I had painted by the Lamp Lady

artwork ... moved from the master bath

of course a tole tray ... they hang all over the house

And the curtain!

It was a table runner and now it's a valance!!!  And it makes the perfect valance ... its completely hemmed and lined ... all it needed was to be stapled.

Just need to paint the vanity black and grab a mirror and the project is done!!!

(so many have asked how I made this valance.  It is quite simple!!!  The board was already cut for this window from a previous dressing.  I started stapling the runner at the edges of the board where the valance would touch the wall.  I then worked my way out to the corner where I added a box pleat  and then worked my way to the front.  I stapled the center of the board first and then made two kick pleats on each side of the middle and worked with them until they used up the remaining runner length.  When I was sure the valance would be flat I then stapled the rest of the runner to the board and finished it all with a coat of starch and a quick iron!)



  1. Love the inspiration (and the table runner). May give me some inspiration I've been needing!

  2. Looks great!! Can you give details on how you made the runner work?

  3. Ummmmm...yeah,right you miracle worker. I could work all day to "simply" staple a runner and it would not be pretty. You're amazing!



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