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3 more days of school ...

Wow!  Where in the world did this year go?  The older I get the faster time seems to speed by.  I can remember my grandmother telling me that time flew by and as a kid I thought she was crazy.  Didn't she realize it took forever for Christmas to come every year?

The kids are thrilled for summer but I am not quite ready.  Every year on the last day of school they give me their backpacks and their tennis shoes and I trade them for a new pool towel and flip flops.  The back packs get washed and if they are good enough for another year they go in the coat closet waiting for August.  Their backpack hooks become their pool bag hooks.  Each bag gets filled with sunscreen, goggles, a new toy and snacks.  It is a ritual for me ... and they look forward to the changing of the hooks. 

This week is so short and I am racing to get it all done.  They all need new flip flops as their feet have grown so much.  They will get a fancy pair and a cheap pair for the pool.  I am a firm believer in free feet all summer so if they don't have a need for tennis shoes they can wear their fancy flip flops!

I just made my to do list for tomorrow and Wednesday.  They are out of school Wednesday afternoon and so they will be around for Thursday and Friday.  We have a busy weekend with a wedding and graduation for the teenager.  Lawyer comes home Thursday and I am more than ready!!!  (38 days he will have been gone ... wow!)

1.  Nordstrom - flip flops and wedding shoes for Babycakes
2.  Rainbows for the boys
3.  Old Navy - flip flops for all
4.  Target/Walmart for snacks and water bottles
5.  TJMaxx - towels
6.  last drop off to Goodwill
7.  Landsend - khakis for Little Mister
8. Wedding shoes for Little Mister
9.  new bowties for boys?
10.  clean porch and deck and arrange furniture
11.  carpets cleaned
12. laundry

wow!  I don't have time to blog ... I have to get busy!


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