Last Sunday I wrote letters on the blog to sum up my week. I really enjoyed doing it and have decided to make it a weekly thing. I think that life goes too fast and it is easy to lose sight of all the things we have to be thankful for, all the blessings we are given. I am truly trying to slow down and enjoy my life more. When you live each day for that day only it is so much easier to do. Since our move to Kansas is not off the plate I have forced myself to live one day at a time. Not to think about next week or next month but just about today. It has been the best gift I could have ever given myself. If I had only thought of you so many years before ...
Dear Lawyer, I loved hanging out with you all day Saturday and again today. Since you are gone most weeks I truly treasure our weekends together. Dear Swallow at the Hollow, you remain one of my favorite joints. Your salads are one of a kind and the family loooooves your ribs! Dear Tazo Orange Blossom Tea, you are my new favorite! I know you are so much healthier than espresso. I think this fall you and I will be great friends. Dear Monday, I am truly looking forward to you. You have nothing on your list and I am thrilled to be spending the first day of the week with nothing planned. Dear Hair Girl, thank you for my cut and color. I think I love the new length, even though it is approximately three inches shorter. Baby Girl says I look like Kit Kittredge. I guess I should think about adding a bow for special occasions. hee hee! Dear Shug, cheers to our date night tonight. It's been a long time since we tucked the kids in and focused on just you and me!
Hope your day is glorious!
Love this idea! Love you! xo