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The gift of a week ...

MHM is at Disney for the week with my parents.  They take every child when they are 7 for a week.  She has been waiting a very long time for this.  When she was born the oldest went (not that she remembers) and then WPM went and she totally knew ... and was not happy to be left at home.  Now that it is finally her turn she left without even noticing she was leaving others behind.  She kissed us all ... boarded the plane and blew this popsicle stand.  

It is very weird to have just two children in the house ... especially two boys.  They are self sufficient and only appear in my area for food and to ask questions.  Hmmm ... I have been reduced to transportation and cook.  
And ... I am ok with that!!!

I have been in my studio since the airport run yesterday am.  It needed help.  In. A. Big. Way!!!  It was all scattered, covered, smothered, diced and peppered with crap.  It had gotten so bad that I could only open the door and set more crap down.  It had been affecting my sleep and deterring me from even walking into the basement for fear of passing the dreaded door.  It was BAD!!!

Not so much anymore.  And I slept great last night!!!  Part from exhaustion and part from organization.  It was bliss!!!  

I will reveal at the end of the week when I finally emerge longer than it takes to call for take out, run the boys to the drive thru, grab more tea, pee or sleep.  I am taking time off tomorrow for lunch with girl friends and Friday to spend my birthday with the bestie.  Its our tradition and it rocks!!!!!!

Til then ...



  1. We went to a restaurant you talked about in your blog once ---- Chicken and the Egg---- oh, my, it was delicious. We left too full to even get the banana pudding. We will surely go back. Thanks for mentioning it.

  2. Enjoy your day with friends tomorrow!! Wish I could join you lovely ladies,but I live here in Huntsville,Al...too bad,cause we would have sooo much fun!!!!



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