Oh what a sadness that another great in music has passed! Another amazing voice and an amazing talent attacked by life. I grew up listening to Whitney, Michael Jackson, Cindy Lauper, Madonna and Billy Joel. It makes you pause and think about your own life when one of the pieces of your childhood has gone!
So released so many great songs. So many get off your feet and dance songs. Turn up the music and act like a fool songs!!! This is by far my favorite ...
Wow the hair ... the eye shadow! Its 1987 all over again!!!
My favorite movie is by far The Preachers Wife. Great music, inspiration story and amazing talent. My favorite part of the entire movie is the very end. It gives me chills every single time I watch it ... of course the best part is the last minute!!
Rest in peace!
I agree with everything you wrote. So many talented people we won't see in their golden years! So many of her songs reminded me of certain memories in my youth. God Bless Whitney!