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There a lot of great movies out there ... but then there are those who imprint us and we can quote for years to come.  You know the ones.  The ones that can be watched time and time again and never get old.  The kind that you can watch in the background while you are doing something else and still know the exact time your favorite quote happens.  

For me I have quite a few.  In college it was Pretty Woman, About Last Night, Shag, Mystic Pizza and every single Lethal Weapon movie.  Lawyer loves to watch The Mexican and The Divine Secrets of the Yaya Sisterhood.  If he finds either playing on cable he will instantly start laughing and with The Mexican he starts chanting Ellll Caaamino.  Of course he loves sci-fi and John Wayne but what man doesn't? I swear he has watched The Matrix and Lord of the Rings a million times.  Sci-fi and I aren't friends, thank goodness he shares this love with the boys!!!  

The movies below to me are classics.  We own them and watch them more often than we should.  Boring evening with nothing else on and Lawyer will grab one of these and before we know it we are both quoting the movie before it even starts to play. 

Steel Magnolias

"I don't trust her.  I don't trust anyone who does their own hair."

"I'm not as sweet as I used to be."

"A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste."

"I'm not crazy, I've just been a very bad mood for 40 years."

"When it comes to pain and suffering she's right up there with Elizabeth Taylor."

"I love ya more than my luggage."

"You are too twisted for color TV."

"The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize."  

The Proposal

"The witch is on her broom."

"It's like Christmas in a cup."

"Do you prefer Margaret or Satan's mistress?"

Margaret ... "What am I allergic to?"
Andrew ... "Pine nuts and the full spectrum of human emotion."

Sweet Home Alabama

"Look at you, you have a baby ... in a bar."

"The truth is I gave away my heart a long time ago, my whole heart, and I never really got it back."

"You can't ride two horses with one ass Sugarbean."

"Well aren't you just a big fat liar?"

Mr and Mrs Smith

"Your aim's as bad as your cooking sweetheart ... and that's saying something!"

Counselor ... "How often do you have sex?"
Jane ... "I don't understand the question."

Jane ... "Any last words?"
John ... "The new curtains are hideous".

"I can't believe I brought my real parents to our wedding."

What are your all time favorites?

1 comment:

  1. I am one of those girls addicted to BBC movies like Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice. I can have those on all day just for background noise. I love them. The one sort-of girl movie my hubby likes is She's the One with Cameron Diaz. I think he likes how the brothers fight constantly. There's this one awesome quote in it:

    Dad: "She looks like she's from one of the islands."

    Son: "Yeah, Rhode Island."



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