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Lake Sursies!!!

sursie ... a small unexpected gift.

I love a sursie.  I am a gifter.  My Nana taught me early on that a small wrapped happy with a handwritten note was the best thing you could do for someone.  I have taken this to heart and to this day love to give.  I am frequently popping happies in people's mailboxes near and far and nothing pleases me more than to get a note, call or text that my gift has made their day!!!

Each year for the lake weekend I take monogrammed gifts.  A few years it was wine glasses, one year it was iced tea glasses, one year both and last year it was bloody mary glasses and Old Navy flip flops. Its my thing and at this point they sort of expect it.  

(via Etsy)

This year I was struggling in the gift area and one of the girls texted me a picture she had spotted on Pinterest with the message "can you make this happen?"

Yes, yes I can!!

I immediately contacted the Etsy seller Lindsey from the shop Dawlens who could not have been more accomodating!!  Yes, she had 12 pink cups and yes she could get them to me in 2 days.  You must check out her wares on Etsy ... she has the most darling things!!

These cups are perfect for end of the year gifts!!!

Aren't these adorable for summer??  I am thinking my iced tea would be perfect in this lidded cup at the pool!!!

And these.  I am sorry ... is that a gingham cup with a straw?  I will take a dozen.

Like STAT!!!

Check out Lindsey's shop.  She is just as darling as her merchandise!!!

And chin up ... it's Friday y'all!!!



  1. Oh my gosh!! We said "sursies" growing up - no one ever says that!! Sursies were "just because" gifts - just because someone thought of you or wanted to give you a little something - serendipity!! I haven't ever heard anyone else use that :) so sweet and the fact the "sursie" involves a monogram - perfect with a capital P!!

  2. After I finish reading all of the recent updates, I will go check out Dawlen's on ETSY. Thank you!



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