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ORC ... Week 5

Welcome to week 5!!  

YIKES ... WEEK FIVE LOVES!  This has been a very productive week in the laundry room but week 5 is always the crunch week, the holy crud I have less than two weeks to finish the massive to do list I thought I could get done in six weeks week.  

And right on schedule and true to plan ... it has been that week!
But ... so many amazing things have come together and I see the light people ... it does exist!!!  

If you need to catch up you can read up on week 1, week 2, week 3 and last week.  I am in the process of transforming our laundry room from just a room to a room I love!  

Let's recap just a smidge ... 

Here is the vision board ~

And the amazing Emily McCarthy for Cotton + Quill fabrics ~ 

My plan:
1.  Crown molding on ceiling
2.  Bamboo chandy
3.  Lacquer/High Gloss cabinets - Sunday night
4.  Remove the dreaded utility sink
5.  Fabulous window treatment - at the upholstery spa!
6.  Remove door for extra space
7.  Mud room area
8.  Wallpaper two walls - Saturday am
9. Rug
10.  Bench for seating and shoe storage
11.  Paint ceiling
12.  Manage dog food
13.  Manage cleaning supplies
14.  Hardware and hinges for cabinets
15.  Frame art from Chez V
16.  Order art from The Pink Pagoda - have to do on the road to Charleston
17.  Paint wall opposite the window semi-gloss white
18.  Move cabinets to ceiling height
19.  Add second open shelf
20.  Hang art
21.  Clean and style room

See?  So many things crossed off the master list!  Can I get an AMEN??

The biggest thing I have knocked out this week is the mud room wall.  It is complete, painted, bench created and in full use ... DONE!!

Here is what I saw in my mind ... 

And here are the bits and pieces I can share with you without showing you the whole amazing wall.  Can you tell I absolutely love it?

And do you remember last weeks hardware reveal?  Yes, neither do I ... but it doesn't matter because Thursday morning after the post I spotted the most amazing brass hardware on Jennifer's week 4 post and literally stopped reading to take a second and order 6 for myself.  

Aren't they ah-mazing??  I love them so!  Thank you Jennifer for finding the perfect hardware for yourself ... and for me!  xo  Now, just to take them back off to lacquer the cabinets green.  


The cabinets were removed and moved up an entire foot to make space for an additional shelf for storage.  It doesn't look like much today, but as soon as I get home from Charleston that drywall will be sanded, primed and painted.

And as you can see from the very top of the picture the crown molding is in and looking incredible!  I still do not understand why the house didn't have crown in some rooms.  My dining room, office and halls have the most incredible full and thick molding.  

And the laundry room got nada.

Thank you for all of your insight on the window treatment, I worked together option 3 (with the monogram) with option 2  (the amazing pelmet).   I found the perfect tassel trim and dropped it all off at the upholstery spa.  I could not be more excited about hanging it.  Truly I am not sure if I am more excited about the mud room wall, or the pelmet.  I will say the mud room wall just because it caused me such stress.  Oh, and some cuts and bruises!

One.  More. Week. 

Lots to do and so much to show you!  

For now follow along with me on Instagram and of course check out the amazing progress of the Wednesday crew and my fellow linking partners in the Thursday crew!

See you next week!


  1. Your laundry room is going to be so chic! I'm dying over your fixture and that hardware. Well, really everything : )

  2. This is going to be one fantastic laundry room! Love that hardware too. The finish line is in sight...can't wait! ~Sonya

  3. I'm so excited to see your reveal!!!


  4. This laundry room is going to be totally amazing.

  5. major laundry room envy over here!!!

    1. YES! I'm with Mallory! This is going to be so good!!!

  6. Oooh, you're getting so close! LOVE your cubby wall, I have plans to do the same in our laundry room some day (maybe next ORC?) So glad you love your ring pulls. Can't wait for next week!

  7. I cannot wait to see the wall... the little bits that you've shown us look amazing! Good luck in this last week. I think we'll all be working hard!

  8. Love the plan for your laundry room! Someday we will makeover ours!

  9. Everything you done so far looks fabulous! Totally envious, my laundry room is the pits right now. Good luck!

  10. So much work, Paige! This looks awesome. And the teaser with the wallpaper, trim and pelmet is killing me. Can't wait to see things next week!

  11. I cannot wait to see your mudroom wall; the sneak peek looks AMAZING!!! As does all the rest of your progress!! It's going to be so good!! :)

  12. It's looking great Paige! Can't wait to see the finished room on Thursday....maybe it will propel me to organize mine and do a little renovating!

  13. Gorgeous fabric choices! It's looking absolutely amazing! Looking forward to seeing your reveal!



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