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Organization 101 for Me

As you probably noticed I am very anal and type A when it comes to my life (as in the stuff) and my schedule.  My family thinks I am wound like a tick and they are probably correct, but I find so much peace in order.  There are so many things we aren't supposed to control (thank you Lord) and I chose to focus on the things I can.  My husband calls me Monica Geller and while this isn't the extent of the reality ... I am perfectly ok with the reference!  I too have gotten out of bed more than once to put one more thing away.

The darling Carrie of NeatSmart recently asked if she could sit down with me and chat about balancing work and kids for The Southern C and I was thrilled she asked.  I adore Carrie and I was thrilled to share some insight into how I keep all of the chaos that comes with a big family together, or try to anyway.  I am a girl who hates piles of papers and although they can sometimes happen I am convinced they don't need to.

The fun interview is here ... and Carrie was so kind with her words about me.  I was having a rough morning when she came over and our time together took all the stress away and I was able to sit with her and a cup of tea and relax.

As it should be.

Happy Tuesday loves!!


  1. Thank you, Paige! I had a lovely time with you and could move in to your lovely home today. ������



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