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Bestie Gifts for Valentines Day

Since I am all done buying for Lawyer for Valentines Day and I have managed all the items for Little Bits bestie group I can move on to those girls who are truly my village.  We all have them.  They remember to ask how we are, they are there for the giggles and the tears and they are the ones who truly help raise us and our babies, our besties.  I shutter to think what my life would be like without mine.  They keep me sane and truly make me a better wife and mother.  This morning when someone really upset me I headed straight for one of my closest friends who gave me a hug and a smile, which was really all I needed to feel right again.

I love to shower those I love with gifts.  I have told you many times, it is my love language.  I am a gift giver.  Sometimes just because I saw something and I immediately thought of someone. Some times it is because they are having a rainy day or the opposite, a fantastic one.  I am a giver.

I searched one of my besties website to pick out every single thing I would buy for Valentines Day. Some of the items I put on my really want list that I am compiling just so Lawyer will have a place to go and grab something when he needs a gift for me. I have been told I am really hard to buy for, enter eye roll here, so I am just trying to be more user friendly!  You will love all these happies from Emily McCarthy as much as I do!!  She has some super fun things in the Shoppe right now!

I told you, she has some amazing things in the Shoppe right now and I may want every single one of these!  I can't tell you what I am grabbing for my besties since they all read my blog ... sneaky buggers.  But I will tell you this.  They will love them and we will have to make some time to use them together!  

Have a great Wednesday ... Friday is so close I can taste it!!

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