Good morning and Happy Monday to you all ... it is a blue skies and sun filled day here in Atlanta and I can't get enough. I hope each of you had an incredible Mother's Day. I must share mine was perfect. More than I could ever have asked for ... being their mama is gift enough for me!
I am beyond blessed!
I am here today to share some of the details and stories behind the new Jack and Jill bathroom. We absolutely love the result ... and Little Bit is happily using both the bathroom and her new hang out area. I have to share it is even staying clean and tidy which is a huge feat for my rather messy girl. She is so proud of her space and seeing her use it with a smile has truly been the best reward!
To begin. We chose not to rip out their cabinets and counter tops at this time. First of all it was a time frame issue, and then of course it becomes a cost issue. I have learned (the hard way) that trying to do too much in what turns out to be exactly five weeks only adds incredible stress to me. I knew that I planned on painting the cabinets with Farrow & Ball paint which would make the outdated cabinets shine like they were custom made. There is truly nothing like the quality of Farrow & Ball, it is easy to use and the result is incredible. I knew I would be trading new custom cabinets for these but I also knew I would have painted new ones anyway so I chose to keep the ones I had and save the money.
It was a good choice for all reasons!
It is amazing to me how quickly a bathroom feels updated when you remove the builder installed mirror. I truly have never loved them and these two were the last ones in our house. I was thrilled to see them go and replaced with simple white framed mirrors I found at Home Goods. Home Goods is always a go to for me for mirrors, I find what I need every single time. Light are another thing all together. I searched and searched for brass lights I loved and just couldn't find anything at all. I decided I would golf leaf the ones I loved the most from Home Decorators Collection and I am thrilled with the result. The lights were simple enough not to steal any thunder from anything else in the space, but yet just fancy enough.
One of the sillier things we argued about when creating this space was what would sit on the counter. I wanted a lamp and Little Bit held her ground saying "no thanks". She wanted to be able to have a lot of open space in case there was things she wanted to add. It was the first time I had to stand back and remind myself it was her space and she needed to have the final say. It was week 1 so it was a good lesson to learn very early.
She spotted this paper while I was purchasing the chandelier and she loved it. She asked if we could add it to her side and for a time I said yes. Then I truly thought about the mix of this paper and the amazing walls I knew Tom Tom would create. I couldn't say yes. First of all, Tom Tom's walls wouldn't be the BAM I wanted them to be and it would truly be way too much pattern. When I told her we would need to skip the wallpaper she even asked if we could just do it on one wall. I couldn't way yes to that either but I am truly to see if I can add it to one wall in her bedroom. She will be out of town for more than a week in a week and I may just work some magic to make it work. She would be over the moon if it works out. We shall see ...
The palm tree on this wall was a compromise for me saying no to the wallpaper. It turns out what she loved most about the paper was the palm pattern and the way it made her think of all our beach vacations. When she told me that I knew we could make something work. It was so fun to see Thomas paint it so fast and her smile get bigger and bigger watching him create it.
I loved this kate spade new york at Kravet fabric more than I should have. I truly talked her into letting me use it. She isn't super girly and was worried about "all those flowers". Oh honey, this is nothing! I love how good it looks and the incredible pop it creates. I have enough fabric left over and I am trying my darnedest to convince her to let me recover her headboard in it. She will be gone for over a week and I may be super busy while she is gone!!
The tile in the wet room was not replaced. So many reasons behind this decision but in the end it came down to not wanting to take on way more than I could handle. Since our house was built in 1982 the tile was put down with a 3 inch base of mortar, similar to putting tile down in concrete. When we replaced our master tile seven years ago they literally brought in a jack hammer to remove the original tile and then had to deal with all kinds of issues fixing what had been damaged. I knew my budget did not include replacing a whole shower and I was not sure what we would be left with once it was removed. The contractor and I decided to leave it. It is in good condition and truly was just fine, I just wanted to remove it. In the end this bathroom became a lesson in what needs to be managed and what it just fine as is.
As I shared before Thomas talked me into only letting him paint two of the walls and leaving the other two white. Our son was worried the bathroom was becoming "girly" and Thomas helped me navigate that request. From her side of the dry area you see the incredible Tom Tom walls in all their fabulousness, but from his side you get a peek of the walls but you also see white walls with the navy shower curtain and the art that was made just for him. With the darling chandelier from Pottery Barn Teen I can see it getting "girly". This solution instantly made everyone who uses the space happy.
Ps ... Uncle Lance rocked that silhouette painting! I love when he drops off his art to my house, it is truly so special.
This amazing painting by Megan Carn is one of my favorite pieces in the space. Little Bit scoured Megan's Instagram and after looking at every piece in her feed she fell in love with these giraffes. She told me it reminded her of us together and instantly I loved the idea. I shared my design board with Megan and the rest was history. Megan let Little Bit make all the decisions, what color the background would be, the size, basically everything. It was so exciting to see her reaction when I brought it home. She was so excited!!!
Megan was so good to us. Originally we planned on meeting early one week and I had to cancel when I got sick. She was so gracious and patient and was so willing to make anything work. We met the Sunday before photos to make the trade off and she and her sweet husband were so fun. We ended up shopping a little in Augusta and then I made the trip home. What should have been less than two hours took me over five with a wreck that shut down my side of 20. I was stressed out with all I had left to do to the spaces. There was sooo much left to do including cleaning the rooms top to bottom. It is with the grace of God I finished them in time. There was definitely some wet spaces on the walls and trim and we had to leave off the shoe molding which was still very wet. I had to remind myself many times it was all ok and perfect just the way it was.
The Jack side ...
This was the side I had to give the most. When I decided to take on the bathroom it was at the request of my girl, our son was perfectly happy with the way it was. When I started tearing out his mirror etc he began to freak out. He does not like change and I truly didn't think about how all of this would affect him. He has had quite a few months. After losing a friend to cancer he was left with quite a bit of sadness and has chosen to spend some quiet evenings in his room at times. Now I was all up in his space and I was making changes and he didn't manage it well. Major mom fail on my part. He did let me paint his cabinets and change out his faucet but he freaked out when I wanted to remove the mirror and change out the light. I think he was just done with me being all in his space at the time and they ended up being the last things I did.
I originally wanted to paint his walls brown and then all the ceilings a pale blue. He absolutely put his foot down. Why did everything have to change? His question truly made me step back and check myself. What my kids want and need became the focus of the rest of the bathroom. They needed to be happy with their spaces and I was obligated to make that happen. I left his side pale blue scratched the blue ceilings and truly tried to listen to every single thing he asked of me. These transformations are to make our lives better and he needed to be relaxed and happy.
When we shot the space it was late in the day and he came home from school in not the best place. His tender heart has taken such a hit lately and he is doing really well but still has some bad days. I chose to respect him and not shoot his side. He just wasn't up for it and it was my job to take care of him. He has asked me to make a few changes in his room and I will share both sides at the same time when we are done. It may be a few weeks or a month or so. We shall see ...
Thank you so much for all your love and amazing comments on our reveal. I create spaces in our home for the people that live here and as long as they are happy I am thrilled. It is always so fun to see that you love the reveals as much as we love the spaces. I may have sworn on my life at week five never to take this on again, but here we are a few days post reveal and I may be already thinking of the next space I want to do.
I said maybe ...
Have the best day, Monday isn't my favorite day of the week but I am taking it on with a smile and tons of coffee!
The rooms are lovely. You are true to your since of style but you honor your children. What a great mom and what a loving example to them (and to the rest of us). I pray that your story about honoring your son's wishes (and where he is in his life) resonate with the exact momma who needs to hear them and that they will confirm in her heart that she's doing the right thing. Great job!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous! Where did you get the frame that holds the picture of the ice cream cones?