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Sprinkles Cupcakes All Day Please

I think the day Sprinkles installed a Cupcake ATM at Lenox Square Mall might have been the best day ever. For many years I have loved Sprinkles cupcakes and the opportunity to have them delivered via an ATM every day all day is just a gift from Heaven. When visitors come to town it is one of my favorite spots to share with them, and to this day not one has been disappointed. When my favorite photographer came to town it one was of her requests and I was more than happy to oblige. 

The ATM stocks all the cupcake flavors available for the week. Once you order your cupcakes it just takes a few minutes for the door to open and your selections to be delivered to your hand.  Pretty fabulous right?

Since I had just purchased these darling shoes I felt it was necessary to take them out for a celebratory cupcake to welcome them home.  They are truly the most darling pair of shoes ... almost like a pair of Cinderella happies, don't you think?  I was more than excited to pop them right on after purchasing and wear them home just like I used to when my mother took me to Buster Brown for new school shoes.  The excitement was almost too much to handle. 

Once you get your delicious cupcakes home I highly recommend plating them and truly enjoying the flavors you have selected. On this day I chose Coconut, Black & White and Vanilla Milk Chocolate. My favorite way to eat them is to put them in a bowl, separate the top from the bottom (easy to pull apart at the top of the liner) with a scoop of ice cream in the middle. I watched them do it in the Sprinkles shop and I can not tell you how delicious it is. Luckily we don't visit the ATM as much as I want to or I would be the size of that ATM for sure. 😙

I also noticed they have a Pupcake on the menu as well, so you may want to treat your little friend with a happy along side your own.  I didn't spot this added feature until I got home or Miles would have been in heaven next to me. #nexttime

If you don't have a Sprinkles ATM in your city I highly recommend you try it out when you are visiting a city that does.  It is so fun and the best time to go is after dinner when everything should be closed.  If you come to Atlanta I will be happy to take you to mine, it is definitely something we love to do!

Happy Wednesday ... only two more days until the weekend!!  💥

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