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The Journey

The other day I posted a Instagram story right before heading to an IEP planning meeting.  I was weary, sad and not ready to face another meeting where we have to decide what we think is the best plan for our child's education.  I am a mother, not a teacher, and definitely not an special education specialist and these meetings always drain me and leave me feeling defeated even if I get every single item I ask for.  They leave me with more questions, more concerns and more worry.  Did we make the right choices, will it work, will he be happy and peaceful ... will it give him every single opportunity he needs to achieve success.

I posted to let others know they are not alone, they are lifted up by me and held in the hand of God.  There are so many of us in the same boat worried about the right choices for our children whether they need something extra or not.  Any time your child is a little off it is harder than I can explain to process.  As parents we always want our children to be happy, healthy and without struggles.  This is not reality but it is the desire of our hearts.

When I left the meeting and sat in my car for a few to get my thoughts together what I found on my phone completely and utterly blew me away.  Sooooo many of you shared stories and similar journeys and asked for and offered prayers.  It was the most overwhelming thing I could have discovered but in the best way possible. 

It got me thinking.

We are all walking the same path.  We are all struggling.  Whether we talk about it or not, life is hard and comes with so many things we wish weren't our bag to carry.  But ... it is what it is.  Expectations aren't reality and life isn't easy.  For me I can't imagine walking each day without my faith. When I am scared, happy, sad, excited, disappointed, surprised ... all of my feelings it is the first place I go for peace of all kinds. 

My goal for this blog is to provide inspiration and encouragement to all and I am adding in a new part ... to lift others up.  Feel free to always comment with a 💗to let me know you need me to add you to our prayer list.  I don't need any details I just need to know you need something.  The important person in the equation will know exactly what you need.

We all designed to love and lift others up.  It doesn't always happen but it is what we should be striving to do.  I can't tell you how blessed I felt the other day when so many of you shared your needs with me.  It was just the redirect I needed after a long and draining to think of someone else and not focus on what I knew I had no control over.  I truly wish to continue that. 

I know that was a lot to read and a little more than what I normally post on a Friday but it is on my heart and I want to share it with you.  I wish to be your place of inspiration, encouragement and someone to lift you up when you need it. 

Happy Friday!

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