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Our "Brand New" Deck

I love outside spaces.  I love to spend time on the porch in the morning with my coffee and I love to end the day watching the sunset either on the porch or on our deck.  Our porch has been a wonderful place for us for a couple of years but the deck had taken a back seat due to the heat, the furniture choices and the lack of real places to sit and enjoy the space. 

Our deck is quite large, it expands the whole length of the back of the house, but it breaks up into three spaces with the way it was built.  I would like to replace the railing next year (it is out of code) and some of the boards need to be replaced and, of course since it is outside, it needs to be sealed again.  If you are anything like me you think once things are redone than you will use it the way it should be used.  That is, until this year when I decided that was not the best plan since I had a large outdoor space I wasn't using the way we should be.  I love to eat outside, both in the mornings and for dinner and since our house faces east the sun sets in the backyard making it ideal for the evening. I was giving up ideal dining space with a fabulous sunset view because it needed some attention, it definitely was not one of my better plans, and it needed to be remedied.

To really enjoy the space I needed to rethink the seating areas and replace the chairs at the table so they would be more comfortable and perfect for dining. My father in law build the dining table for his family when my husband was just a child.  I love that it has so much history, that it is handmade and that the rustic feel of the table comes from years of being love.  I also had a window I wanted to showcase with a window box and a area outside our den door that would be perfect for late afternoon reading if I added the right chairs and a good umbrella.  Our previous chairs were ready to go and the chairs I was using for seating at the door area really needed to go onto the porch for better options for extra seating.

It was all ready for some updating.

Rug || Chairs || Cushions
Elephants (thrift score) || Topiary (Scott Antique Market)

As you can see I have added almost every single flag I own to the space to dress it up for the week.  We have been getting lots of rain (the flowers are so happy) and I hope it will subside before Wednesday so we can eat outside.  We are planning brunch and then a light dinner before heading to see the fireworks.

I am so happy I finally gave up my "I will use it later when it is done" mindset and said yes to a partnership with Frontgate + Grandinroad.  I love both of these companies and they were so easy to work with even when I changed my mind a few times and had to wait for a few things to arrive. As I sat outside with my coffee yesterday morning I took in the birds chirping and the beauty of the morning on the deck the way it should be used. Although the repairs I want to make are waiting until next year, with all the new pieces it feels very much brand new!

We could not love it more.

Happy Monday ... and happy holiday week!

Sources ... 

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