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Word Of The Year

Last year I took the plunge and set a word for the year.  I knew I wanted to be intentional about the word I chose, as I wanted it to set the tone for the year.  When I chose it my son had recently hit a major crisis with his health and it just seemed fitting.  I wanted to lean completely into my faith and use the time to grow spiritually as I felt I clearly needed God to help me through the situation we were in.  I know I am summing it up here but honestly when I chose the word I knew I wanted to grow my faith but honestly I had no idea how powerful the word I chose would be for my year.  I was sure I would grow but ... I had zero idea of what it would all mean.

Right after I made the decision to pick a word for the year I spotted my friend Mandy and her collaboration with one of my favorite artists creating custom hand lettered words for the year.  It was a major sign for me and I got right on her website and ordered my word ... the word Faith in watercolor script.  I added the monogram and the year so I would remember it down the road.  I felt like I was making a major step in taking control of what I could of the year. 

Fast forward to the hardest year of our lives.  We were just beginning to get our feet on the ground in the spring when we received my husband's cancer diagnosis in May.  I was just feeling like I could take deep breaths and then BAM.  To say I was shocked, traumatized, and rocked would be the understatement of the year. I really had to cling to my faith this year with every single cell I have. So many times I would put the word where I could see it and I would just say it out loud over and over. On the back of parking receipts and doctor invoices I would write my word.  It was in every thought and came out of my mouth more times than I can count.  I can say without a doubt in my mind that my faith is not what it was before 2018 and I hope it grows by these leaps and bounds every single year going forward.

So when it came time to choose this year's word I was a little empty.  I didn't have a word that came to mind and honestly the only word I could even think about was rest. but I didn't want my word to be something I felt like could happen between Christmas and New Years.  My friend Ashley posted that she was also searching for her word and shared a quiz that she used.  I was intrigued and immediately jumped in.

I just ordered my new hand lettered word of the year and I can't wait for it to arrive.  I will share it when it comes and the reason the quiz + the word it gave me are prefect for the year.  I can't wait to see what God does with this word and my life this year.  I can promise it will be huge, last year surely was.  I encourage you to take the quiz and order your own word of the year.  Think of it as a plan for your year as opposed to a resolution.  Be confident in your word and see where it takes you.

And please share your word in the comments or with me on Instagram when I share mine.  I can't wait to hear them all.

Happy Friday ...   

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