Happy Thursday to you all ... I am sitting in the office with the sun pouring in and I don't think I could have asked for a prettier day. Maybe it could be in the 60s, but I will not complain. Sunny days always make me so very happy. I decided today was a great day to answer so many questions I have gotten over the past week or so once I posted about Beautycounter and the offer to sign up as a consultant for half price. My DM was filled with questions as a number of you reached out asking about my experience, what it entails and all the details. I would have loved to get this up to you before, since it is the last day for the half price deal, but with the week we had I am thrilled that I have the time to do it for you now.
I have pulled together all the questions I received and I plan to answer them and give you my full experience and do it all very honestly. I think that may be the best way to help any of you thinking about it, and I truly believe honestly is the best policy. Here we go ...
I signed up with Beautycounter in July of last year for a couple of reasons. First, I wanted to purchase all of their products and I didn't want to do it at the retail cost. I had been using some of the products for a few months but had by no way dived in to the rest of the options. I was on a quest for great skin care as I had noticed that my skin was not what I wanted it to be. I have always admired my mothers skin and it was clearly time I made some major changes. One of my followers reached out to me and asked if she could drop off a basket of products for me to try and I was thrilled. She dropped them one day and I had them maybe four days or so. I had everything from oils to shampoo. I am pretty sure she lent me a few things from her own stash which was so kind of her. Both my daughter and I went to town and tried everything. I was immediately hooked.
It wasn't until someone told me about two weeks later that my skin looked amazing that I really started to take note. I had to look for myself and I, too, felt the products were really good for me and I loved the results I was seeing. We met for coffee and she was all prepared to sell me on why I should sign up and what she didn't realize I had already done my homework and came prepared with my YES. It was a done deal.
For me I signed up with the $98 fee and I ordered just a few things. When you sign up you have the opportunity to purchase kits at a great discount. I didn't want to do it that way and also didn't have the extra cash to do so. I purchased my Flawless In Five and maybe two other things (if I remember correctly) and that was all. I was off and running.
When your products come they send you so many marketing tools. I have pamphlets, catalogs, some samples, and business cards ready to set myself up any way that worked for me. Honestly, the huge box of marketing they sent cost them way more than my $98 fee. And the marketing is amazing. The catalogs alone are stunning and filled with incredible photos and so much great information. I could not have reproduced what they sent me for even close to the price.
I am "asked" to sell $1200 over a six month period. If you break that out it is basically $200 a month and honestly I can use that in purchases for just us. The products last so long so the only thing I buy on a regular basis are shampoo, conditioner, concealer (I am addicted), body wash, bars of soap, and the charcoal mask which I share with the rest of the family. I always trying something new so I add it in if I need to, but some months I only get a few things since that is all I need. If for some reason I can not make the $1200 nothing would happen. I would drop from a consultant to a Band of Beauty Member (great perks with this as well) and my discount would decrease. Simple, easy peasy, and no one riding me. I can take that!
Here is the deal, every single person has to find their groove and do what works for them. I do not like to sell things even though I come from the sales/retail background. I have always found that sharing my passion for things is easier for me than trying to sell you anything at all. I am passionate about Beautycounter and clean + safe beauty. I truly believe every single person should know that our skin is the biggest organ we have and every single thing you put on it gets absorbed by your cells. That can be great or it can be dangerous based on what you use. Do your research. Make educated decisions for yourself and your family and make decisions that work for you. If you decide clean beauty is your decision I can share that I love what I use and wear and the luxury items I use not only work for me they work for so many others.
I really view it as anything else you are passionate about. You buy a great pair of jeans and you want to share the news with all your girlfriends. Nordstrom is giving things away and you want to tell the world. It is the same for me. You have to find your groove, which may take a while, but at the same time I have found that people ask me so much about my skin and my products that they basically sell themselves. I have more people reach out then react to what I share with all of you. I had one lady once ask me to stop sharing and I politely declined. It is no different than anything else you are excited about. I would have people buy great products from a great company over money in my pocket every single day. The income is a wonderful bonus for us and has been such a blessing.
Like I said above, you have to find your groove and what works for you. I think it sells itself way more than I talk about it, but maybe that is just me.
A lot of consultants use socials to get to share the knowledge and expose others to the products. I love the idea, however, I can not make this work for my schedule. Mine is all word of mouth and my blog which I work very hard on five (sometimes six) days a week. I have content I create and other content I am paid to share so I fit it in when I can and when I know there is something that needs to be shared. I love the idea of socials since I am a very social person but for now I have not incorporated it into my schedule.
Is it work, yes, but honestly everything is. Any thing you want to do well requires work. Do I think people will just flock to you and your sales will soar, no. I work really hard on the blog with interviews, travel, research, product gathering, styling and the like and so the blog is the perfect place for me to share. If I didn't I would have to have people over for coffee, wine or something similar. I don't really feel like it is sales because I am sharing great skin and great products that work and last. You will have to put in the time and the work but I think it is more than worth it.
Absolutely not to both of these questions.
Your commissions will range from 25 to 35%. An average order I see is about $150 and these add up quickly. Last month with the amazing promotion I hit my highest sales I have seen which resulted in a sales bonus I was not expecting. Win, win for all. If you have down lines than you make 5 to 9% of their sales while they are making their 25 to 35%. Simple MLM.
Great question. I don't think you need to have any sort of background to "sell" anything honestly. If you are passionate about what you are using and buying you can share it any way that works for you. The fact that I have an established blog only gives me a platform to share the passion I have. I think you can do it with whatever system works for you. Recently my daughter has been sharing something we are using at home that she loves with a teacher at school. So far she has taken in products and has made a passionate plea to share her love of something with someone she admires. Basically the same thing.
Yes, I don't love the mascara (it works great, and I use it, but I don't LOVE it) and I do not like paying for shipping for my products.
Let's talk training.
I was clueless when I first began and there are still a lot of areas or products that I know nothing about. You will have a mentor (I am a great one BTW!) when you sign up and beyond that will be trained by our corporate office daily for 20 days. You will have access to videos, emails, amazing graphics, so much knowledge. You can learn as much or as little as you wish. I also love our Facebook group where people ask questions almost hourly about all kinds of things. There are so many things I have no clue how to answer and yet with a text to my mentor or a check in on Facebook and I am instantly a guru.
Just a little bonus thought for you. I love my sweet mentor and this week is a great reason why. She called me to check in and I shared with her our week and the fight we were in to try and get Lawyer's chemo at a price that would not render us strapped. She immediately told me she was family with the lobbyist for our insurance company and was more than happy to share or help in any way. She did not care about my numbers (and never has) but was just being a girlfriend and a sister who was willing to help me any way she could. I hope to be the same to others. I needed to hear there were options when I was frustrated. Also, she was more than happy to jump in on anything I was working on and take over. Just one of the many reasons I love this company, the people are incredible.
What does all of this mean? Well, if you have wondered, thought about it, wanted to do it but were scared or just curious I hope I have answered those questions for you. If you are interested in signing up today is the last day for the half off deal, but the regular deal is always available. DM me, email me or reach out in the comments and let me know if you have other questions I have not covered. If you are sold and ready to dive in here is the link to sign up.
I hope you have the best day!! I had a rough week, but the sun is out, its a brand new day and as with all things there is JOY in it all! 💗
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