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Denim Jacket For Spring

I had the best denim jacket in college and wore the heck out of it on a regular basis during and after college.  Since I lived in Florida I didn't need a heavier jacket so it was my jacket.  It was a great one I snagged while working for The Gap and honestly I am not sure what happened to it.  Maybe I donated or sold it years ago since it stopped "giving me joy" but truthfully I am not sure.  For years after I owned a white one, but it never fit quite right and wasn't cute so I know that one went to a good home, leaving me denim jacket deficient once again.  But all of that changed a few months ago when my sweet friend Beth gifted me a perfect denim jacket in the fall of last year.  It fit like a dream and I wore it a few times, but it then sat in my closet for a few months during the colder weather just waiting for its debut to happen once it became spring.

I love wearing a denim jacket.  Much like a raincoat, a denim jacket is the perfect grab and go when the weather is on the chilly side or when you need a little something extra for an outfit you are wearing.  I love it over a light sweater, any cute t-shirt, or even over something sleeveless like this darling top here.  For weeks it has been hanging in the coat closet downstairs so I can grab it as I am running out for everything from carpool to dinner, it is just the perfect accessory for this time of year that can be so very breezy.

The exact jacket I am wearing isn't available any longer, but you can shop the exact one currently in white. It is also available in white with ruffles, which may be the cutest one I have spotted.  I rounded up the best denim jackets available for you to shop.  The best thing about owning a denim jacket is that they wear just like your favorite jeans and the more they get the better they are. 💙

This darling top, which I think every single one of you would love, is a great score.  And while you are on the site, grab the shoes, the bag and the scarf.  Add in this pair of white jeans + this denim jacket and you can shop it all in one location.  Amazon surprises me all the time with the amount of items offered.  Cute outfit ... check!

I am loving these loafers more than I knew I could.  When my friend Ashley (who has the best taste ever) posted the linen pair last month I went to check them out and discovered the blue gingham.  I don't think I ever ordered anything faster than these and have worn them like crazy ever since they arrived. They are that good.

Oh, and if you need a stadium style bag I think this one fits the bill perfectly and is still so chic.  We live so close to the Braves stadium and try to watch as many games as works for us and having a stadium purse makes getting in so much easier.  Isn't it so cute?

Honestly, I love this whole outfit and I have loved owning a denim jacket once again.  I forgot how much I loved it and missed having one until it became my favorite go to again.  It is just like an old friend you see once in a while, we picked up right where we left off.  😘

Have the best Monday ... 💥

images by Angie Webb Creative

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