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Happy Memorial Day 2019!

Today is the unofficial first day of summer and I think I am officially ready.  It always takes me a few days to adjust to the new schedule and, most importantly, the kids being done with another year of school.  I am always super excited for them to be home, just not so happy about them being another year older.  #sniff.

Memorial Day may be celebrated by most with a trip to the lake, the pool and with a backyard BBQ but we can't forget why we celebrate.  Memorial Day is to remember all of those who serve so we can be free to do all of the fun things, for those who gave their lives for our freedom and for so many who have served in the past.  My family has military roots and I am incredibly thankful for every single person who served and was willing to give their lives for my freedom.  Our fourth child is currently in Japan in the Marines and we could not be more proud of the decision he made to join.  This decision has and will continue to change his life.  We love you Ryan!!

According to The Everygirl here is how to honor those who have fought for our country and paid the ultimate price ... Say thank you, Fly your flag at Half Mast until noon to honor those fallen soldiers, Wear red, white and blue but not the flag, Place flags on graves, and keep your eyes peeled for red poppies.   We must celebrate with gratitude!

I love all of this!

Have the best day ... thank someone who has served or is currently serving, actually thank them all.  Our freedom is most definitely not priceless ... it is something we should never take for granted. 💙

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