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The Perfect Lantern

As some of you may have seen on stories, I have been searching high and low for candle holders for these fabulous white 4x6 pillar candles.  My vision was to be able to light them on the porch, the front door steps and all over the deck when we needed them.  Since it is porch season we spend so much time outside and candle light just makes it even more magical.  Looking for holders turned into a Goldilocks moment ... some too short, too fat, too tall, too weird, I couldn't find anything at all that would work. 

Finally, I was shopping at Target and while I was heading from the shoe department over to the market aisles and I stopped right in front of the Opalhouse section.  There were all the holders of my dreams, how had I missed it all before?  It's like all the other ones were pretending to be the real deal and then this white wicker candle lantern was the actual one I had seen in my head all along.

Then what soon follows an incredible purchase from a line, you fall in love with the rest of the line. As I was grabbing the lantern, then I spotted these holders and I just couldn't stop.  It was goodness all around me.  Have you guys seen all of this goodness and I was just late to the show??

Today I'm sharing my Opalhouse by Target picks, and it's all sooooo good! I mean look at this umbrella for your patio or pool area ... and these chairs ... Yes Please!

Have the best Saturday!  💙

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