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Boozy Coffee Ice Cream

photo via Williams Sonoma

It is always a good thing when its Friday ... but Friday when its National Coffee Ice Cream Day, yes please!!  I love a good scoop, or two, of ice cream almost any day of the week but Friday after school is the ideal time for a ice cream treat.  Coffee is one of my go to flavors, it combines two things I just love ... coffee + ice cream.  Since buying our ice cream maker earlier this summer I have made many containers of ice cream.  Homemade ice cream is the perfect summer treat and ideal for dessert on weekends and super hot days.  It takes so little time and effort to create a fabulous result.

My favorite way to make ice cream is to use the Williams Sonoma ice cream starter.  It is easy to use and super easy to keep on hand.  I have made Strawberry (add sliced strawberries + mint),  Vanilla (alone and with mix ins), Cookies & Cream and Kona Coffee!!

Since it is National Coffee Ice Cream day I have a great recipe to share with you ... and some ways to make it even more fabulous.  Boozy coffee ice cream anyone?

The best part about the ice cream starter is its so simple to make ... you mix the starter with half & half and heavy cream (according to the package).  When you want to make it boozy you simply reduce the total liquid added by 1/2 cup to add in 1/2 cup Jackson Morgan Salted Caramel Cream.  I can't imagine a better treat ... Boozy Salted Caramel Coffee Ice Cream. 🍵🎉

If you wish to keep it booze free you can always add chocolate chips, espresso shavings, or crushed oreo cookies.  The only thing yummier than coffee ice cream is coffee cookies and cream.  I store the finished ice cream in this container and actually own two of them so we can have two flavors in the freezer at once.  And last, but not least, make sure you use a great ice cream scoop.

Give it a try this weekend, you will be so happy you did!  Have a great one!

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