You may have heard me mention it before and if you know me in real life you know for sure I do not care for purple. Nope, not one single bit and have for many years. When I was a teenager and I was just learning to wear makeup the only palettes available at the beauty stores for green eyes always included hues of purple. Why in the heavens would I want to wear purple eye shadow? I recall thinking if only I could choose the blue eyed palette or why oh why couldn't I wear another color combination. Yes, I realize how silly this sounds now but when you are 16 and the palettes at Eckerds say for green eyes you are more than sure this is your only option. I think at that point I started to revolt against all things purple and for the most part I am still the same way. With the exception of lavender. I love the smell of it, the color, and even the word. Over the years I have owned a few pieces of lavender clothing but I had not completely embraced it until a few weeks ago when my cute girls at Willow Park Boutique showed me a darling top in lavender. I decided it was time to make it happen for myself. I would be wearing it and loving it!
And love it I do. I paired it with all navy and I could not love it more. I had no idea that lavender and navy should be best friends until I saw them together and now I can't stop thinking about it. Did anyone else know this was a thing and I was in the dark or is this brand new information for you too? Whatever the case I am here to tell you ... its a match made in true heaven.
First of all this top is so very cute. It has dramatic sleeves, which I love, and a darling collar. It was perfect for feeling dressed up but also would be so cute with jeans and cute sneaks. And shorts, oh yes just darling. The lavender may still be sold out, but I know it also comes in white and is coming soon to the site. Message them and let them know you are interested and get on a list. I have to do that a lot as their pieces sell quickly!
These Winnie pants are perfect. They have a side zip and are so flattering with so many things. Heels, yes ... Sandals ... yes ... the new sneaks trend ... absolutely. I will be wearing them later today with a sweater and sneakers. So comfy and the best fit. They also come in black, but of course navy was my go to, and a few other colors that are on major sale! The navy and black are currently 40% off which makes them $42.50. Best price for great pants maybe ever.
I hope I have convinced you that lavender and navy are completely best friends and you need to make all those pairings happen for yourself. I have picked out such great things on the market right now that are lavender + navy that would be darling together or just mixed into your closet. I am dying over this sweater ... oh and this laptop case. Are we kidding? OH YES PLEASE.
The only extra colors I added to the look was in my bracelets and this amazing hand beaded bag. Both are from Hazen & Co. and the name isn't new to you as you know I wear a ton of Hazen. It is my absolute go to for bracelets and I know the moment Taylor shared her new bags I wanted this one. It is truly stunning and so perfectly crafted. You can check out the full collection here.
Have the best Tuesday!
Images by Angie Webb Photo
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